Unhappy Guests, yes

We got super-quiet ones for the bedrooms too. GE though I think. They all also have a dehumidifier function, which is always worth a little extra money too.

Our units are awesome, there’s nothing wrong with them. The woman who froze it up, is kind of a special case - she turned it down all of the way thinking it would turn it off. She gets confused. Sometimes she doesn’t turn the water all the way off either. It’s kind of complicated but she’s a regular and we love her.

I don’t understand. I’m not the OP, maybe you meant this for her?

We have window ACs but that’s the norm in my area. They only get used for a couple of weeks (though we leave them for a few months). Short summer. Some listings here don’t offer any AC at all, that’s pretty normal too.

I would definitely check out the new a/c. But given the outdoor temperature, the ceiling fan, and now an additional fan, one wonders if they’ve got penguins in there.

If there is nothing wrong with the a/c, I would be inclined to put in a preemptive call to CS explaining the situation.


My summer guests did the same thing. Had the unit so low that it froze up. Despite the note on the controls.
They were not very intelligent guests though. The inside temp was 30 Cel. Outside temp was 24 Cel. and raining.
Every room has a ceiling fan and NONE of them were on.
All doors and windows were closed… yeesh.
Once they were advised to open doors and windows (all screened) and turn on the fans it was fine - it was the last day of a 4 day stay so good to see them leave !
Thank goodness for You Tube it was an easy fix.


I can’t imagine what it must be like to go through life having zero common sense or being able to look around and figure the simplest things out for oneself.


Not true @KenH
They are improving all the time, last summer I bought a GE quiet series and it is really quite, and it is wifi enabled so when I see my guests are out of the house I can turn it up or off to help them follow the house rules without going inside.



We have those for the bedrooms in the summer, they are great!! We put one in our own bedroom and I always think my husband has turned it off or something because it’s so quiet.

It’s highly unusual to have anything but window units in a lot of areas, including my own. They are only really used for a couple of weeks, maybe longer. We leave them installed for a few months but the season for them is really shorter than that. With a 120 year old plaster-walled 5-story house, there are just much higher priorities than converting to central air. Window units are also more energy-efficient as they are only cooling where people actually are at the time (I don’t want to cool the hallways or an empty apartment).


Do your guests know that you can do this remotely?

I got a smart plug but I was too dumb to get it set up. Then a few months later I realized my window AC is on a circuit with only it and some floodlights. So I can go turn off the breaker if they go out and leave it on. This happens very rarely for a number of reasons but I have no problems turning it off because I ask in the guest guide that they turn it off while away. So far, no issues. But I swear once I realized I could turn it off without going in their room the problem improved.


Except that THEY are not following the house rules…or you wouldn’t even need to do that…:upside_down_face:

Had the problem improved or just your ability to remedy it?

It really seems like the opportunity to go throw the switch declined. Maybe it was just a less hot summer.

Not that I know of, the unit may have a wifi symbol on it I would have to look.


My reason for asking is that I can imagine a scenario where the guests leave it on, leave for the day, come back knowing they left it on and find it it’s been turned off, and assume that you went into their room/apartment. Next thing you know, they are calling air to complain.

Anyway, just a random observation.

It is not about rules, it is about control. I can just manage it on my phone when I catch it and the outcome is what I want, power used at a reasonable level. And it is not actually a rule I do not need a rule, I just take control. No different than the place I rented in Hawaii where if I left the door open more than a minute or so the ac switched off.



I don’t worry about that, Most of the time I will just adjust the thermostat so it runs less so it is still on when they come back.



Wow where do you live? We sleep with our verandah door open in a single level home. Never worried about someone coming in

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This is one of the benefits of having two big dogs, anyone sneaking into my house would be in for a surprise!


Same here. No one gets within 100 meters of my place without my dog barking. I sleep with my bedroom door, which opens onto the balcony, wide open.


Different though in that it takes human power vs automatic.

Not sure if this applies to closing bedroom doors to the outside but when on the inside it is best to sleep with the doors closed in case of a fire. Having the inside bedroom door closed can be the difference between not only life and death but only minor smoke damage vs. fire damage.

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