Under the Hood of Your Airbnb Reviews

You see your review stars, and you wonder who gave you what. Well now, for better or for worse, you can have an idea of your review’s breakdown. Airbnb has lifted the hood on your reviews, giving you a peek at what’s underneath. Not as clear as I would like, but it’s more than we have received in the past.

I don’t know if this new tool has rolled out to everyone, but everyone should have access to it soon. To get you ready to use it, let’s break down this new Airbnb feature using the reviews of my Private Apartment Listing as of July 8th, 2015.

By telling me that the last 4 reviews gave me 5 stars, this means that the fifth reviewer didn’t give me a 5 star rating. Did review number 6 give me 4 or 5 stars? I won’t ever know. But if I keep a screen grab before my next review, I will then know the next review’s star breakdown and can start tracking from this point forward how I am being rated by different guests.

To track future reviews rating will require the help of Excel, or as I like to call it, “Excel to the rescue.” You can get the Excel spreadsheet here to help get you started. I noticed the number of reviews is different for each category. For example, 144 people reviewed me in “Overall Experience,” while I have 149 reviews in Cleanliness and 147 reviews in Arrival. What gives?

This is a long blog post… to continue reading go to my site.
