Trouble with Airbnb response to false guest claim

Think of it as you would a headline.

You send them a PM and explain the issue like you did here. Giving your listing number and name.

I appreciate it. Just thinking of my own former newsroom, but it could be there are other options…

This is very common! I have a few properties on Airbnb and have filed two claims myself against guests who have damaged our homes. Airbnb did the exact same thing to us, they closed the claim without any solution, took the guests side and wouldn’t talk to us. Sorry it happened to you too! They are the WORST!!!

I posted about this as well, but it won’t let me put the link here for some reason.

We are actually looking for hosts that want to get together and file a class action lawsuit because they are cheating hosts out of a lot of money!

In my experience, Twitter, press and facebook helped ZERO! Airbnb just ignores it all because they can. Hosts are going to have to start coming together and demanding changes because it has gotten really bad in the recent months.

VRBO sadly is doing the same thing now. They switched their entire platform to be just like Airbnb. Although we process our own payments through our own merchant account (something they try and hide as a possibility) They send false emails to our guests to cause confusion and force us into using their system with really high fees. We have not given in and we are fighting them!

If you contact @AirbnbHelp on twitter they want you to direct message them the reservation code, your email and a description of the problem. They will direct message you back. They don’t want open messaging about these problems, supposedly for security.

Count me out. Class action settlements can take years to compile and certify. Then the class members might get a check in the mail five years from now for $6.50. :roll_eyes:

Not going to bite the hand that feeds me. Suggest you take it to arbitration. We all signed TOS agreeing to give up our right to sue.

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Completely understand your point. We are certainly not looking into this for money. We are hoping to bring change to their business practices and stop them from being able to take advantage of the hosts that pay them. We see us as the hand that feeds.

Good luck with your listing! I hope everything works smoothly for you!

I hear you and get your frustration about deposits. We have to play by their rules but there are some things you can do.

Some hosts have said that they have every guest sign an offline agreement and maybe even collect a deposit outside of Air.

Or, take a look at what kinds of things are creating the security deposit issues and try to adjust at the front end. Before bad stuff can happen.

Are you renting to too many guests? Allowing parties or events? Not onsite to supervise? Have a camera outside to temper bad behavior? Have too many fragile items in the rental? Not saying you have any of this, just saying take a look. Because when there is a pattern sometimes it is YOU, not THEM.

When it does come time to make a claim, you have to follow their guidelines. Get all the receipts and estimates. The more documentation the better. Keep all your communication online so there is a paper trail. When you do make a claim, remember Judge Judy. :rofl: She always rules with the side that has good documentation and a better case.

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That’s your first mistake. Hosts are a dime a dozen and growing by the 1000s everyday. Guests are Airbnb’s target market and who they make their fees off, not the tiny host fees charged. Hosts are also hated by people anti sharing economy, neighbours, those jealous they are not making $ out of their spare room, tax departments and local council enforcing all these new laws and problems. Not much support from Jo Public as you can see. Guests and Air have the power. I accept that and try to avoid drama with all of them whilst I choose to do this drudgery to ease my financial pressures. If I meet nice guests and have an easy week, bonus!