Toiletries in the COVID era

We stock enough stuff so that our guests who usually stay 2 nights don’t have to leave until the day after arrival.
all toiletries and shower dispensed including full size lotion, sunscreen in squeeze tubes
olive oil, vinegar
paper towels
coffee tea cream sugar
4eggs 1/8 #butter & pancake mix, which I divide into 1 cup baggies
pasta rice sauce
san pellegrino qt and crystal geyser h2o gallon
This entire list if they used it all up is less than 22$ But rarely has it been used even 1/2 up. And we often get goodies left suitable for noshing. It looks good/ value and they know about this list the day before when I open text communication.
I tell them if they need anything I might have it. I also sometimes text them when I’m at the store to ask if I can pick up something they want.