Toilet Paper for extended stays

Don’t you need an electric plug nearby? There may be non electric ones available but I don’t want cold European water spraying on me.

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The water that sprays on your butt has been sitting in the walls for days and the temperature Is room temperature. The cold water that comes out of your tap is colder because it comes from your street since it is used a lot. Even in the coldest winter it still is room temperature

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I’ve experienced Airbnb’s that go with unlimited super cheap TP. Anyone who is there any length of time will go out and buy their own just for their own comfort. Win win.

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I’d feel uncomfortable using the cheap stuff and have a guest complain about it. Went to Walgreens yesterday, 6 rolls @3.99 2 ply.


Okay, I’m not the expert on bidet seats but I’ve had one for a little over a year and my experience is not the same as your experience. I’m glad your unheated ones are working out for you.

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I wonder if it depends on one’s personal plumbing. My husband loves it despite the temp, but the 3 females in the house, not so much.


It’s official. I am bat sh@t crazy with laughter. As a Nurse I decided years ago, EVERYTHING is just a body function. This thread is proof positive of that.

As a floor Nurse I loved it when I walked a post-op patient down the hall & they gave a toot with every step. It meant their digestive tract was waking up after anesthesia. Women would be embarrassed. Men tried for louder. I just cracked fart jokes as we walked.


If you’re worried about toilet paper, raise your rates by $1/night and just give the guest a roll or two.

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