The rudeness of Airbnb, the lack of cultural understanding is appalling!

Not only that they already closed the case and they will not respond.


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I think that is only US hosts. They don’t want to pay for shipping to foreign countries.

No happens in Denmark as well…

Your America bashing does not demonstrate any of the cultural understanding or respect or kindness that you claim you have as a Dane.
I am an extremely well traveled American. I can say with all honesty that the global attitude that Americans ought to accept with humility the incredible rudeness of others’ constant anti-American statements is more demonstrative of your cultures than ours.
I do not agree with much of what our government does, at home or abroad. However, nor do i agree with all of what other governments do domestically or internationally. Nonetheless, I do not make absurd generalizations about the entire national character of Americans as a whole, any more than I would about any other nationality.
You should be ashamed of your hypocrisy in expecting to be given the benefit of the doubt as an individual, and yet to group all Americans under one ugly umbrella yourself.

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You would be well served to read the entire thread before commenting as the OP has already been scolded and made some followup comment.


Oh dear @Newbiehost it is sad your first post making such abrasive comments to a host who has clearly already apologised twice for the errors he made in regards to the generalisations he made about your country.

Perhaps you would like to try again and introduce yourself, tell us something about your listing etc.

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I’m good, thank you. I have been following the hosts’ forum for quite some time, and although this was my first post, it most certainly was not the first time I’ve been offended by the constant anti-American generalizations that are flagrantly posted in this forum. I am considered extremely liberal in the US, and my personal politics are quite at odds with our current administration - in case you’re assuming that my feelings are stemming from some wingnut MAGA perspective.
Nevertheless, I stand by my statements. I was not hostile; I was simply pointing out the hypocritical nature of his post. When he acknowledged his generalizations previously he seemed to “apologize” and then double down on his sentiments about the inferiority of American cultural norms. Very uncool.

Oh dear @Newbiehost

I think we get the message. Shall we move on…

Do tell us about your listing and experiences as a host.