The right way to ask for late checkout

Just last month I proactively offered a late check-out (noon) for a guest because my cleaner was coming later in the afternoon and I thought it would be a nice gesture. Guest was very appreciative and then ended up leaving closer to 1pm so I probably won’t be trying that again lol.

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It was nice of you. Do it again…but specify the new time.

I like to say it like: “The cleaner [that’s me :sweat_smile:] will arrive at X.”

That’s a nice way to say…so hit the road before then! :joy:

That’s a great thing about the smart locks that you can program to work only for the time of their reservation (or the extension you grant them). I remind guests that their lock access will expire so they must be out on time. It is in my house rules that they cannot leave the house insecure. I have a $50-$75 penalty for failure to comply with that one. It doesn’t always work but at least it puts a fire under them usually.


She did specify the new time…noon. The guests ignored it and stayed closer to 1.

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Were they, though? Funny how fast folks can go from “appreciation” to “inconsideration”

Sigh. See, why do people like “Guest” have to ruin things for “Guest”+1? We try to be nice and then we get :clown_face:'s like this.


No, but it was the same car that had dropped her off. It was covered in peace signs and slogans, both as bumper stickers and painted on the doors and windows. Hard to miss all that colourful preaching, so I wouldn’t have been using it for a secret trist… Anyway, didn’t matter.
I’m in the non-combative camp. I’ll stand firm if necessary. However, in this case I had told her she could have until 5, I have a two-max listing with same price for one as two and there were still only the two of them, and when I saw the car pull in at 12:30 I had no way of knowing he wasn’t just early. Didn’t expect they would hunker down for the afternoon. Also, I was busy enough in the afternoon not to have kept checking. Noticed at 5 when they pulled out. So all of that.
Doesn’t mean I wasn’t annoyed. Doesn’t mean I didn’t say in the review, “Took full advantage of a very late checkout,” because I did. :slight_smile:


I also love the subliminal prompt, ‘if you choose to leave a review’. This is genius. I’ve often struggled with review reminders as they can feel like begging.

Yup I would say you got rolled.

This guest pulled one of the more manipulative moves I’ve ever heard. It really makes me sad a person could be this awful.

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Have asked for early check-ins many times for many international travel destinations, as sometimes you’re arriving at 8am on a flight. We ask, never demand nor expect anything, if it works it works, if not we understand we are asking the host to accommodate a request with no expectations from us. I’ve rarely been turned down.

Rarely ever have asked for a late checkout, as we are more typically packing the car and leaving at 6am to our next city on our trip.

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Sounds like one of those @Chris_Cooper “self-clean” opportunities.

8am for me would be close to asking for a free day (it’s even before checkout). I’d have to tack on a 1/2 day charge for that.

Glad folks were able to receive you, though. That’d be tough coming in so early and clearly not something you could really control.


Here’s my newest auto scheduled message, sent 4pm day before check-out:
I’ve only just written it, so up for feedback, and looking forward to see how it goes. Mandating cleaning seems too much for my (a bit larger sized) listing, but giving it as a possible option in return for some help with cleaning seems a fair trade for those who it may suit. Adding a touch of light hearted humour may also help pitch it in a friendly manner I hope.

Hi [guest first name],

Regards check-out tomorrow:

Please leave the home unlocked, and garage remotes on the kitchen counter. (Don’t take them to Barcelona again, our remotes are happy staying in Bowral!).

Remember to take all personal items, phone chargers and toiletries.

Please wash any kitchen items used, and start the dishwasher. (Tablets for machine under the sink)

Check-out time is 10am. Our cleaner arrives soon after this. It’s a big home to clean!

If you want a late check-out, this MAY be possible - please ask. New guests may arrive that same afternoon, and cleaning takes time. If you are prepared to assist with putting on the washing, that makes it easier to offer a late check-out. We have a huge washer dryer combo, fully automatic. So if this suits you, consider the late check-out prize for our Washing Olympics!

Bronze medal: All towels in for a wash / dry cycle
Silver medal: Beds stripped and some linen washed too
Gold medal: Linen hung to dry (/run through dryer if raining etc)
Crazy medal: Ironing pillow cases and folding sheets. Nobody goes that far, surely! No need! Really.

You winning any medal will be much appreciated, and allow our cleaner to arrive later, and so helps us give you a later check-out. Sometimes even as late as 2pm. If you are not up for medals, we may still be able to offer a slightly late check-out (depending on cleaning schedule that day), but helping us allows us to help you!

And our new idea is to give extra thanks to guests who do (entirely optionally) help out when writing guest reviews. Always nice to get a medal!

Regardless, we hope you are having a great stay.
Come back sometime!

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I wouldn’t consider this awful…it’s possible that the e guestbthiught nothing if it since the host made it available until 5pm, the fact that the reason and/or circumstances changed may not have thought it made a difference.

I definitely think (as a host) it is taking advantage though!

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That’s when you book the night before, too, and just get in really late.


Cute, but too long and not clear. Are they supposed to respond by picking the medal that corresponds to their check out time?

What happens if they don’t do what they agreed to do?

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Not necessarily. If there are delays I would have hated to pay for an entire night I never used afterall. Plus, if I know when check-in is I can plan other things to check-in on time (if a host is unwilling and/or unable to allow any earlier).

@Militaryhorsegal , if someone asked me for an 8 AM checkin, eight hours before official checkin and three hours before checkout, I would think very poorly of them. That’s the same as asking for a free night. I would be tempted to cancel on them.

If you are getting hosts that say yes, then you are very fortunate.


I’d say:

OK, but I’ll need to check if Mr & Mrs Gonzalez are ok with that, and given that they’re not checking out until eleven o’clock you might have to queue for the bathroom. The bed is a king size, so if you fancy a nap after arriving, I’m sure if the current guests budge up a bit you’ll all fit.



I think she said her flight came in at 8 not that she wanted to check in at 8 so there would be time, and certainly stopping off for a very leisurely lunch could be done as well.

I am not a morning person so would not be looking at an 8am check-in.

As a host though, I indicate in my listing that I consider a booking night can be up to 24 hours and am willing to be flexible (I have flexible check-in and noon check out.) about the hours. If someone wanted an 8 am check-in and I allowed it I would let them know that if I did they would then also have an 8am check out time.

I also realize I am not the norm at all with this. I also understand some hosts would cancel for an ask. If that’s the case I probably wouldn’t want to stay there anyways…I am if the opinion that it cannot hurt to ask (politely).

When I have back to backs I let the new ones know and explain the timeline of what the latest time for check-in would be as well as give them updates (first one no later than 1230 since checkout is noon and I would need to get in and see condition and get started on it to know better).

Only one time was this a problem and it was a problem guest so she had all kinds of other issues too. She had booked two separate weeks and was so glad when she canceled the second week after her horrible review.