Super Host Relief Fund Invitation

First, we hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy right now. As one of Airbnb’s most experienced hosts, your expertise and hospitality are so important to us. We want you to know how thankful we are for the role you play in our community, especially during this difficult time.

We recently announced the Superhost Relief Fund, a $17M USD fund for Superhosts and Experience hosts struggling to make ends meet due to COVID-19. We noticed you’ve earned significantly less on Airbnb recently, and you may be looking for some extra help. We’d like to invite you to apply for a grant from the fund.

Apply for a grant

Once you’ve submitted your application, we’ll let you know within 2 weeks whether it’s been approved. If you receive a grant, you won’t need to repay the money and you can use it however you need to—no strings attached.

How it works

To help determine your potential grant amount, we’ll ask a few questions about how your hosting business has been affected by COVID-19, as well as your financial situation overall. You can read more about how we’re evaluating applications in our COVID-19 resource center.

We want to support as many hosts as we can, but we also want that support to be meaningful. So we’ve put together a specialized team that will carefully review applications and select only those hosts who demonstrate the most need.

Thanks again, [Xena], and we’ll be in touch again after you’ve submitted your application.

Take care,
The Airbnb team

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