Stealth review by guest minutes before submission cut off, thwarted!

This is yet another of example of Air may or may not back you up so just decide what you are going to do and proceed. I’ve taken third party bookings without a problem. I might try to play that card if I really wanted to get out of a booking but mostly I just try to say yes to all requests and go from there in trying to discourage the ones I don’t really want.

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I have taken a few third party bookings, too. They’ve worked out fine for the most part. One was a bit of a disaster when someone who was not on the reservation showed up hours early and was in the carriage house unbeknownst to me. I walked in to check on something, and there he was. He announced he was my “stowaway”, and it was a very uncomfortable deal.

Airbnb told me they wouldn’t have honored the host guarantee if he had done anything since it was a third party booking. That hit home, so when the mom booked and didn’t say anything about the daughter, I feared maybe the daughter had a bad review as a guest of a guest and couldn’t instant book. I’m sure it would have been fine (she’s a sweetheart and is here for her OD boards), but I guess my antenna is always up and sometimes a bit over reactive.