So just received this review from another host

@Debthecat I think she already mentioned those…we are a little bit south of you

Hi We also don’t have AC at our apartment in the middle of Melbourne it is in an older building. It was a conscious decision as it would only be needed for a month in total for a year and we wanted to be environmentally friendly. We had a past guest who would have preferred it but wrote that comment in the private box.
Despite the heat wave over the last couple of weeks both of our recent weekly guests did not complain, we provide two vortex fans and this is clearly mentioned in our listing.
The last guests even mentioned in the review the lovely breeze that came from the balcony into the living area as well as what a great place it was to stay in. 5* reviews from both.
You were unfortunate your guests were incapable of checking weather for your area and didn’t read your listing.


Its great you no longer have to go to the Amazon to get stuff now they bring it to you.


I moved to Victoria to get away from the nasties of my youth in FNQ and WA and then later in NSW though cockies don’t bother me. Now I still get 1 or 2 large huntsman’s over summer. Next stop: Tassie! Fortunately this year has been practically free of blowies and mozzies here, haven’t had to use the aerogard once. Whereas last year it was every time I walked the dog.


@JamJerrupSunset these were monster Huntsmen, I did consider just setting my gorgeous Guillietta on fire. However I survived the drive to work and home again today.

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Well we only have the hosts word for that. We just choose to side with the host because of our own experiences, which might be as deluded as some of the guests.

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I had a guest complain that they saw a cockroach in the spa area (there are bamboos planted there). We now have laid bait. The guest wrote: seeing a cockroach put us on edge. Really? Talk about precious. Apparently they are coming down from up North because of the drought, they are looking for water. I have them in my back garden and I live inner city.

Dreading the review.

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The lack of flies this year has been amazing hasn’t it? We have been having bbqs at the daughter’s in Seymour (40+ everyday for the last few weeks) and not a fly! Feels distinctly un-Australian to have a bbq and not be doing the Aussie salute!

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@Poppy and @JamJerrupSunset we have also noticed fewer flies this year. Strange indeed.

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Fewer flies and mozzies but we now have a bushfire at Grantville which is slowly heading this way. There is about 15km of open farm land between us but they have issued an evacuation order for Grantville and then it will be Pioneer Bay and The Gurdies and then…us! Last night I could see the water helicopter flying across the bay over French island through the smoke like a scene from Apocalypse Now. I think I’ll go get some emergency supplies of wine and cigs and bunker down.

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I haven’t had to put on aerogard once this year and normally it is a daily occurrence when out walking the dog.

I think you won’t!! You will load up your car and get the hell out of there! Read today’s paper about Kinglake and Marysville. You can’t rely on the authorities, they are useless!

15km is nothing, get out!

Please go - I don’t want your dry sense of humour being turned into a burnt one!

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Wind has now turned southerly so I will allow you to stay! If they don’t have it under control by tomorrow morning (40 for all of us tomorrow, that’s 104 to the yanks on here) then I order you to grab the dog, the wine and the cigs - in that order and leave!

And leave this wonderful view of the smokey sunset? I don’t think so. My guests were up that way visiting The Gurdies Winery and they said it was nowhere near there and the winery is about 10km away and would go first. But if the winery goes then life isn’t worth living. Worse case scenario I jump into the sea and swim to safety.


And the dog? How will you manage to swim with the dog, wine and the cigs?

Well this is a forum for hosts @JamJerrupSunset.

@Shanghai is a long established host here and there is no reason to doubt what she says based on her previous posts.

By your logic we should be challenging every host who comes on here with a negative experience with guests.

If it’s any consolation, when I scroll
through or Airbnb reviews and find the random hysterical Tourist complaining about a bug I totally disregard it as an extortion attempt.


Please stop this “X is along time valued member etc - and therefore capable of no wrong” - even long time valued members sometimes get it wrong and challenging people is not the same as accusing them of being liars. It’s a forum for opinions and I am entitled to mine as indeed you are. So stick to that and not your usual meta narrative of schooling people who contribute who you don’t like. If they have a problem with what I said let them them speak up about it.


I like this, as going to save it in my reviews document so I can trot it out when needed. Thanks