Review my review please, Bah Humbug

Some people will never be house trained, by us or anyone else. I blame their mothers!

But what really disturbs me about this, and I know you’ve left your review (late to the party, so to speak…), I would be distraught if one of my cats had been left shut in a room and poo’d themselves. This is a sign of total distress; cats are fastidiously clean and only do so in extreme distress. Do you let your guests take your cat into their rooms? I would have totally destroyed this person for this matter alone.

George The Cat occasionally got taken to bed by people missing their own pets, but I would notice if he wasn’t downstairs, shouting to be fed. first thing in the morning.

A sad house here on Christmas Eve. Our first in 20 years without them.


So sorry for your loss


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Sorry for the passing of George. Guests dont normally have Tom in their room. I was out for hours and normally Tom has access to the garden. I think it all points to the guest’s neglectful attitudes. He was young and I think his upbringing was very indulgent. It does people no favours. I hope my review will help him.

Thank you for such simple, kind words. yours, and that of other privately, is so very much appreciated.

Jess, they both left us within two days of each other; Princess Sophie left first, which was so unexpected.

Deep breath.


And yes, we’ve been in the pub next door, hence typos… Full of dogs; farmers’ dogs!

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Oh my! I hadn’t realized that it was not his cat he locked in his bedroom, but yours! Eee gads!

Sad they were gone, happy they were here so long. I look forward to pictures of new kitties should you find room in your heart for more.


Totally agree with you.

He needs to be house broken or live with his mother. I would not want him as a guest. Please write an HONEST review.