Revenge claim ... guest trying to get back at me

Buy some Ikea kitchenwares, I have been a host for almost 1 year, and there were many broken glasses, plates which got replaced for $1 each. The only slightly more expensive item that got broken was an oven plate at $20. I didn’t ask for compensation as the guests stayed for almost 6 weeks and paid almost $7000, so I let it go (as well as another $100 damage).


Since your question is about the revenge claim. Yes, they could be saying well he is charging us now for a cup so now we’re going to complain about the leaky air mattress and the stinky sink. We didn’t care about those things before but now we do.

Was the cup over $20? have you checked the mattress? The sink?

Do you know what you’re going to write for the bad review?

For me it is also crazy that someone who is renting out such a high-class, designer and presumably expensive place isn’t capable of calculating the cost of a broken cup into their renting expenses.

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My attitude to things like cups, saucers etc…once it is in there it is written off, because they won’t look after it, they don’t value it and if they break one they figure that they have 'paid" for it with all that money they have given you.

Exactly. And after all, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with staying at the place where I have to dread whether I’ll break a cup or a plate. I don’t consider this to be the “real” damage. That’s just cost of doing business.


@Jacob_Hasle_Nielsen - I know where you’re coming from. Many Airbnbs are somewhat design-driven. In fact, that was really an early niche and marketing strategy. I offer a lot of mid-century dinnerware in my cottage, but I have decided to pack away my favorite stuff and offer the stuff that is more easily replaced. Still vintage, but less dear.

[EDIT - Oh, and I would call Air about the retaliatory nature of their complaint, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. Air often sides with guests, even the douche-y ones.]

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YES. AIR sides with the guest… every time.

I got the most mean spirited nasty review you could imagine, implying I was a scammer and a liar …and Air did nothing toward removing the review, which was basically a rant.

Here’s some of this douchebag’s actual words from his incoherent rant that Air allowed to remain…

(This is when I really really started to hate Hosting. When you get people like this. I blocked my calendar for a month after this guy, I couldn’t stand the idea of these nasty people in my personal home.)

“With a regular hotel, if you do not like the infrastructure you can find another one on the spot without losing money. Unfortunately you cannot do that with Airbnb and if you end up with an accommodation below the “booking” promises, you cannot certainly change it unless you lose your money. This is bad side of Airbnb. I guess everything depends on luck and the honesty of the hosts promoting their accommodation.“

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That’s a bit mean, there is always one ass and very few escape them Kona

Do you get your money back in hotels in America so easy ?

No… not all. This was the nice part of the review if you can believe it.

That’s what kills me … NO! You do NOT get your money back in hotels very easily at all. Since it ain’t Airbnb’s money they are freer and easier to give it back and they get to build a “brand” - off our homes - that is more “flexible” than hotels.


Sorry which hotel is this why does he think we care? I bet he complains like a total nut at every single hotel, restaurant, function, cruise to get free crap and intimidate people for his own narcissistic amusement. They probs do give him free stuff and let him cancel without paying JUST TO SEE HIM LEAVE ASAP.

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He’s a total douche and started out by saying he had had an “unlucky year” so they came to Hawaii to relax and escape it but he got “unlucky” again. He left the first part of his rant in ALL CAPS.

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How could you be unlucky, you get to visit Hawaii, looks like paradise to me.

I think guests who vent like that have issues going on with their own life and instead of dealing with them, someone innocent gets their resentment. I had a french guy like that during the summer, moany arse, he must have just got home and took over his laptop to write his review. I made jokes about every comment he made, a couple of guests said they picked me after reading my reply to him, humour can be mightier than the sword or the pen


I’d love to see his review and your response. Maybe it does pay to respond to these kind of drainers

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Gosh, I should have got your opinion in writing the response.
I was so crushed at the time I could barely function but never even thought of making a funny out of it!! :rofl::rofl:

Next time… if there is a next time. :tired_face::laughing: