Responding to Guest Reviews

Do you respond to mostly positive reviews? I had a 4 star guest review that was mostly positive but added a few negatives at the end that I thought were a little strange. We don’t respond to reviews in general. Do you think a response will just draw more attention to the review, or should I go ahead and respond to a couple of negative items brought up.

We have an active thread that addresses this here.


I have never responded to guests’ reviews.
Guests have reviewed my accommodations, I have reviewed their stay, no need for further action.
Future guests, and hosts, may take all reviews given into consideration and likely " read between the lines" and deduce their own conclusions.

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I have also never responded.

I think if my guests haven taken the time and effort to say nice things about me and my home, the least I can do is say thank you.

@Brandt In terms of your personal situation I would say it depends on the guest review and what sort of response you want to make.

Can you expand on this?