@Dean4242 The other thing to consider is that you would be doing a disservice to your fellow hosts if you indulge this guest. I’ve had several stroppy responses to unreasonable requests saying ‘well my last host picked me up from the airport for free / let me arrive at 3am and not pay for the night/ bring my pet python / have a pyjama party for all my friends’ etc etc. But the most important thing is to distinguish between your obligations and their needs. It’s not YOUR problem that she’ll be tired when she arrives. She chose that travel option herself. If she arrived and there was no opportunity to make a cup of tea/coffee and the wifi is not working, then it’s your problem. Of course, we all want to make guests comfortable and will do some extra things if we’re asked nicely. But this one sounds like a proper PITA.
Oh do I agree with you! You said out loud what I was thinking. I would not want to live up to these concierge standards. Or have these expectations. Geez I don’t pick anyone up at the airport and I don’t expect anyone to do it for me.
The last lady that was staying with me wanted me to draw her a map of how to get to the shops and other things. Haha. I didn’t do it. She wouldn’t use google maps. She had a smartphone…
That’s a bit mean. My mum has a smart phone but wouldn’t feel confident using Google maps while walking etc. Id draw a quick map. @Paul_Janaway
If on arrival she is too tired to shop, then certainly she will be too tired to cook. Mention a good breakfast restaurant and suggest that when she awakens later in the day she can go and shop.
I gave her directions to the shop. Just said go straight till the end of the road and then turn left. They aren’t that far. But I’m not drawing a map. I’m not a cartographer.
Apologies. I must have misinterpreted. I thought that a ‘good price’ meant an expensive price
I see what you mean now.
Our guests pay between $125 and $250 per night so I don’t mind the extras. Also, and importantly, I enjoy it
Dean!!! Do I need to poke my head through the computer screen here and slap you across the face with a terse “snap out of???”
Please, this guest is already putting you out with an 8am checkin… She is basically getting the entire day free to stay at your house! Why would you tell her yes? Now you have to bust your a** cleaning for an early check in…all for what!!! Because someone who rented a room from you snapped their fingers, telling you to hop to it? are you the scullery maid? No… You are the owner!
And then the groceries!!! Argghghhhhhhhhh, have you learned nothing from this forum my dear man! No you don’t do groceries. That is above and beyond presumptuous!
These are all red flags for a bad guest. Imagine how crappy you would feel if you did all these extra favors for this woman and then she cracked you with a bad review in the end! It has happened before and it will happen again.
Please… Don’t!!!
I love your responses - you tell it like it is! Straight to the point
Just don’t send your guests to me afterwards LOL! Where is your listing? A resort area? Anyway, I want to be your guest, and can I have a foot massage when I arrive?
My check in is 3-11pm and check out by 11am. I don’t mind people coming at 3pm. Im usually in. But I like to have the 4 hr gap of no guest. Gives me some breathing time. Most leave by 8am and most arrive after 7pm. But yeah 8am check in is crazy.
Thank you! No sense in sugar coating things! There is nothing to be gained here and everything to lose. Hopefully it’s not to late to reach him.
@Maggieroni - I’m in South Florida. I seem to have a hospitality gene and I love making people happy but sorry, no foot massage. But I might be able to arrange a home visit from a local spa though
“Liking” this post is not enough! Please listen to this advice, Dean. You are a Host not a servant. Guests will respect you when you stick to this role.
Thanks for all the replies! I am currently offering the room for $55 AUD per night which is a bargain - certainly not enough for me to be playing concierge. I shall politely decline to pick up her groceries and give her some easy alternatives.
Whew! Good, no, a great decision! Glad you asked!
@Magwitch @konacoconutz
You are my BFFs on this forum! Such clear thinking. Love you guys!
Magwitch - this is exactly the reason why I will not allow a guest to check in anytime even if the home is completely cleaned and ready…and no one is checking out. My regular check in time is 4, and guests do not value an early check in if they are allowed to arrive at 11 a.m. or whether they get in at 2.
If the guest has been easy to converse with and politely asks if early check in is available, then I will consider allowing them in at 2:30. But I feel that when you give a lot right away up front, then guest thinks “oh that was easy” - now let me see what else I can get. But when you only give them an extra hour and a half then are much more grateful. Human nature is funny…huh?
I totally agree! For a high rental cost yes, but not for that price. How will you reply to the guest? The idea of online shopping mentioned above is a good one.
…and furthermore Dean, now that we have you pummeled into submission, on future requests for early check-in, you might want to reconsider giving away any more freebies. She wants the use of your place for an additional 6-7 hrs.!
Your mantra should be: I’m running a business, I’m running a business.
If your room is available (and you are willing to allow an early arrival or late checkout), tell your guest that you will be happy to accommodate them and that the fee for early check/late checkout is…