Push notification feature will not work with iPhone 6

Hello There,

I have updated my iphone 6 plus to iOS9.3.5, I could receive airbnb notification before, then after the new update this feature wont work anymore, I am not getting both the airbnb APP push notification or SMS notification when guest send me a reservation request or a text message or anything else.

I have tried to remove the APP, updated it, resetting the notification features, switching all on and off, tried everything but it still will not work.

Does anyone else here experiencing the same issue?

A ha… I hadn’t made the connection but I did wonder why I’m suddenly not getting notifications.

Now that makes sense; that said have you involved AirBnB IT? They in turn have a bigger ‘push’ with Apple than any of us little seedlings :slight_smile:

I see there’s a new app update. I’m installing now…

The latest update seems to be working fine.

I have 9.3.5 and it’s working fine for me. It could be that I have the app set to ‘background app refresh’?

yeah all the settings are properly switched on, i think its the bug, now the app always shows “1”, although there is no message or other things that need to take care of.

The new airbnb app is just not working well.