Problems submitting a review

I have been using Airbnb for a couple of years, only occasionally and am always keen to submit a review but something always seems to prevent this happening. having been unable to submit a review from my phone during a recent trip I resolved to do so from my home PC. Same issues. Airbnb claims to uphold standards on the basis of host and user reviews. How can I have faith in this when submitting a review is problematic?

I don’t understand the nature of the problem. A Screen shot of what you are seeing might help. Are you a host or a guest for this review?

The system has been hugely buggy lately. I used to get notifications for leaving a review around check-out time, then some days it would be the day before they left, now it’s been a day or two after they leave. I’m currently unable to edit my listing as it keeps reverting to the original text. Sorry you’re having issues too, but Air’s tech guys are having so many issues. My husband works in website design and his bosses would not be happy with half of the issues I’ve been hearing about lately…

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