Opinion article about the future

Sounds similar in principle to the Enoch Powell rivers of blood speech …(UK Member of Parliament) of which none of his predictions are true in today’s UK society (answers on a postcard please…)
The speech warned that if the UK continued along the path it was taking, there would be a violent outcome in those areas or parts of the community it impacted upon.

I hope I understand the sentiments in his article about the future but that doesn’t mean I agree with his fore warnings of mass pillaging. I see it as a suggestion that at some stage in the future there will need to be another shift in the market to a different model, it’s just been poorly presented by his article.

It’s a prime function of a capitalist society to make money in the most profitable way it can, whether that be paying the lowest wage to people (some of whom may be cleaners of STR’s) or extracting the highest price from the consumers of products or services (Inc STR’s), so I’m my opinion it’s a natural progression of capitalism to move (or be moved, as different business models are curtailed by local governance) into the STR market, which started off as a completely different business model.

As an example, in most ‘seaside’ UK towns, there was a period when every large property, and some smaller ones, were turned into Houses of (or in) Multiple Occupation, basically every living area was turned into a one roomed home. This allowed single persons to rent somewhere to live at an affordable rate, of course it was abused by many landlords to produce low quality housing at very low rates, which attracted a lot of people with ‘troubled’ backgrounds. This led to a degradation of the local area and a lack of large houses for large families in the area, so they moved out and the cycle continued, until Regulation 4 legislation was introduced prohibiting any more HMO’s.

So then the vacant properties were bought by investors into the LTR market, who quickly pushed up rents as less properties were available. That meant prices of properties increased, diminishing the returns on investment, and as ever, the market looked for ways to increase their profits, then along came the perfect solution for the period in time in the form of STR’s.

It’s all a natural and predictable process of following the profit, and the person who can identify the next move of the market is out there somewhere …

PS, can you let me in on it early doors if it’s you ??