New Technology Recommendations

Stick me on speed dial, I’ll make sure you’re good.



I appreciate this community very much. There’s so much good advice here, freely offered. It’s worth the price of admission.

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If only the salary matched it :wink:



I have Google Homes units anyway…I should really read up on how they work. I just added Pandora and ad free spotify and called it a day. I have my google assistant apps on there, not sure if that’s a security risk?

I wish I would have gone with Alexa…trying to see the upshot with google. I would love to add stuff to my Amazon shopping lists! Of course if you even mention the word AMAZON to anything google she says “I’m sorry I don’t understand” (or something close to that.)

I wish those two would play nice!

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F that shit. I’m still waiting for one or two oil filters on US autos and one micro usb for phones and tablets. We are all just allowing ourselves to be exploited!

Amazon delays?

Yes, it is. Do you want them messing with stuff in your area?