New sick guest stuff(want views on making Airbnb cleaning claim)

Agree, good points Maggie…

When confronted by a grammar nazi, softly say ‘There, their, they’re’.


A carpet shampooing machine with upholstery attachments, or a smaller spot remover machine is a general must for a B&B I think. Then you could just shampoo your sofas (and mattresses). Something like the Little Green from Bissell. The Dettol multi purpose aerosol is about £2.50.

Poor Steve, what a miserable time it must have been to listen to bad tv and smell un-showered guest. I think he should wake them up at 0600 and DEMAND they shower and move on for the day as their slovenly ways and lifestyle choices are just wrong. Go get em Stevie



I had a woman come specifically for a follow up medical visit, I’m right down the street from a large hospital center, she’d had some kind of orthopedic surgery, and – gasp – a dressing on her leg. We all survived. Convalescents welcome here.

Perhaps he could do both :blush:

I live near a hospital too and had a woman visit whose husband was very sick with a brain tumor. I treated her as I would like to be treated myself.

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Has the Guest agreed to reimburse you your cleaning costs?

maybe the girlfriend has no choice, and doesn’t want to leave her partner vulenerable and alone in a foreign country…


This is your idea of a fabulous time?

You Can’t ask Airbnb to pay for your cleaning!
If you weren’t comfortable having him there, you should have asked him to leave!
He’s not vomited everywhere, he doesn’t have Zika Virus, dengue, or rabies for goodness sake!
You’re worried about his sweat & skin?! Have you ever asked yourself why you are hosting at all?
Launder the bedding as normal. Resist industrial strength cleaning products that will do your own health no good at all & consider a different line of work… Or retrain… Bio chemist perhaps… Or seal your windows & doors, sanitise your home & enjoy a germ free environment.