Neighbor violating state order

Sorry, but every time a host violates local laws she or he causes trouble for all other hosts. It IS my business because it affects the reputation of all hosts. Every time an Air host causes problems the rest of us suffer. It’s not about you, it’s about keeping our communities safe for everyone.


Their public reviews have given you an excellent opportunity to respond with “thank you for providing essential services of providing gas line connections.” Thus thanking them and avoiding neighbors misinterpreting the rental

The concern voiced in this thread is continuing to rent to people who don’t “need” to be in the area this bringing Germs with them

It angers me that listings are promoting rentals to ANY ONE regardless of the regulations/ordinances.


Thanks! Great idea.

I recently read a study where they estimate that almost 14% of New Yorkers have the coronavirus antibodies or immunity. It was based on samples of the population. What about people who are immune? Shouldn’t they be allowed to live life as normal now that they aren’t bringing Covid-19 with them?

I suggest you read this article. Your ideas have no scientific basis.

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Note a bottle of Chardonnay is involved with this response


  1. Reinfection rates are high; implying surviving Covid-19 does not mean immunity.

  2. My point is about complying with local ordinances. My local ordinance Restricts rentals to 5/15 regardless of antibodies.

  3. If they are immune, big deal! If they stop taking precautions like hand washing, they can spread the virus by touching a contaminated surface, then contaminating everything else they touch.

Antibodies as proof of immunity can KMA! . In the past year I have tested positive for antibodies for measles, mumps, rubella, and Hep B. Does that mean I am absolutely immune? NO! Unlikely to contract-yes. If contracted be of a lesser virulence- probably. Immune-no!


Why would you worry about this, are they not classified as key workers? @Mexican

On what basis are you assuming they are immune just because they have had the virus? And surely you know there is more than onestrain of the virus, so people can catch it several times and already have @Mexican

Where’s your humanity people? What saddens me more is that we have come down to people turning on each other. Wake up and see where this is all going. It’s not about the virus! This defacto medical martial law is violating our civil liberties & freedom. Have you seen what’s going on in this world!

That negative right is being flipped on its head to a positive obligation to report on neighbors, stop/shutdown all businesses, lock people up in isolation, tracking and surveiling, forcibly mandate vaccines and to bring about economic collapse all in the name of a hypothetical chain of infection that could take place. We have this threat every year with the flu virus. COVID-19 paradigms are collapsing as studies show death rates are significantly lower than reported and more doctors, experts, virologists are bravely speaking out against the false data/rates and misinformation. Don’t fall prey to the fear-mongering and mass hysteria perpetuated by censored media, CDC, WHO, Fauci and Birx.

Fear lowers our IQ, thus making irrational decisions and reactive. We’re all in this together, we’re all being affected by this - instead of turning on each other, let’s support one another. Cultivate empathy and compassion. Let’s not take our anger, jealousy and frustrations out on each other. Channel that energy to educate ourselves to the truth, unfortunately you have to dig cause they (new governing principle, the 1%) want us to be gripped with fear to control us. And they will succeed if we don’t band together and resist.


Yes of course we do, and yes, the earth is flat.

This site may be more in tune with your thinking:



I applaud your sentiments of support, empathy and compassion, and I certainly agree that fear is not a good basis on which to make decisions.
I think we should act thoughtfully, neither based on unexamined fear of virus (Why would I rush to buy bottled water, when all evidence indicates the virus is not transmitted by ingestion?) nor unexamined fear of conspiracies trying to take over and control us (Why would rich powerful people be in a secret conspiracy to ruin the economy, when a ruined economy would make the 1% lose a ton of money?).
It is not secret cabals that plot removal of civil liberties and control of people and production to maintain power and wealth – it is oligarchies and authoritarian governments who ply their trade right out in the open, with the support of laws, police powers, and courts they have shaped to their benefit.
I agree that one can argue about where the line should be drawn between civil liberties and protective measures. With plenty of evidence of asymptomatic transmission, I believe there is a good case that when you exercise liberties to travel about, visiting friends and family in close quarters, shopping without a mask, eating out, and attending group events, those liberties should be temporarily curtailed or control measures should be put in place, because it causes risk of harm to others, not just yourself. Even many of the “open up” protesters in U.S. state capitols stayed in their cars or wore masks. I am not on the bandwagon that calls the protesters stupid (nor do I hope they die from the virus). I believe some are truly distraught about loss of any financial stability.
There is a lot of uncertainty associated with this new virus. For example, some of the latest news is that healthy 30-40 year olds infected with COVID-19 are having strokes. I agree it is a horrible choice between loss of income and financial resources vs. risk of illness and death for a wide range of victims, 50,000 dead in the U.S. and counting. It is a choice we will not get right immediately.
And what you prioritize in making that choice depends on your situation. I read an opinion piece that said something like “We may all be in the same storm, but we are not all in the same boat.” So if I’m a zillionaire, I may be sheltering on my yacht or my palatial, remote vacation home. If I have a work-at-home job (and no layoff imminent), I may be bored or searching for toilet paper, but I’m OK. If I am an unemployed restaurant or service worker, I may be wondering where my family’s next meal is coming from.
I believe this crisis sharpens the focus on the need for universal health care, a living wage, affordable shelter, accessible childcare and education, and the necessary supplies for all of us. But particularly for workers who are a barricade against total economic paralysis through food processing, product transport, infrastructure maintenance, delivery, first response and health care – including protective equipment, not just feel-good “you are heroes” banner-waving.
Regarding vaccines, I want to be first in line for the COVID-19. I was fortunate to have access to the polio vaccine as a child – I know people who were disabled by polio – and happy to have my kids get the HPV vaccine – I know people who suffered from cervical cancer.


I applaud your patience and desire to educate the ignorant.



Oh dear. I don’t even know how to respond.

Since the count in the USA started approximately 3 months ago, there have been >50,000 known Covid-19 related deaths in the USA and Covid-19 isn’t going away.

This is not the flu.

A friend explained it is ok if people who wanted to resume “normal life” early should do just that. They were only putting themselves in harm’s way.

Nope—they are putting every one around them at risk. Eventually they will endanger medical staff and use valuable medical resources.

A youngster was on the news yapping how this was nature’s way of culling the old & sick. I guess he didn’t realize young healthy are dying too and are prone to blood clots thus strokes.

A brilliant person once said “you can’t cure stupid.” I wish there was a vaccine for that.


To be frank, its best not to waste your time, seriously.



Wishful thinking is more dangerous.

No, this is between 10X and 30X more deadly than the flu.

Welcome to the forum, this is not a place to peddle conspiracy theories if you have anything useful to contribute we are all ears.



Keep in mind that responses aren’t necessarily just to the member to whom the reply is directed. It’s to anyone reading. This forum has more people “lurking” than participating. If even a few people read a response that makes them more thoughtful, rational and reasonable, then it’s possibly worth posting. Simply remaining silent in the face of what is increasingly nefarious isn’t wise. Bystanders are part of the problem just as collaborators are. My 2 cents based on 40 years of studying Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. (Injected disinfectants? Where have I heard that before?)


Good luck with that. Its easier for people to listen to mainstream media.
The truth is too hard to accept.
I will happily step aside and let Bill Gates have my dose of the vaccine IF I have a choice when the time comes.

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If so, please sign this:


Listen to medical practitioners. Listen to people who’ve lost loved ones. Covid-19 is real. It is serious. It is deadly.

Use science and common sense to protect yourself and the people you love. Socially distance. Isolate. Wear a mask. Wash your hands often.


What saddens me is my neighbor who routinely flips the middle finger to every rule our POA puts in place, and then did the same to the governor’s executive order. Dropping rates $200-$250/night is another big bird to everybody else. $45/night is insane, and of course his condo is #1 when I search my area because he hasn’t missed a beat.
Every hotel in my state is closed to leisure travelers, and he’s still renting after being reported to the state attorney generals office and to the department of health.

Your comment reminded me of an article I read this morning: