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Hi! Can you please give me your opinion on this listing, specially just if you like the place or not and price, the final price is 70€ a night, though i didnt pick this price. I havent been able to get a pro photographer.
It looks great and the price seems very reasonable. Are you going to raise the price after you get some reviews? As a tragically monolingual American speaking guest I really appreciate the well written description in English.
It looks immaculate and livable. You do not state how many flights one is required to take to the unit and it is obviously not a ground floor, so that would help.
Personally, I am not a fan of a ‘fish-eye’ lens and that would turn me away from your listing. It is too distorted to get a real feel of the size. Also, the exterior (view) shot should be taken on a brighter day because the outdoor lighting doesn’t match with how it appears from the interior, if you know what I mean.
The only other thing I would want to know is whether the bed is a double or queen size (it looks like a double). Is your calendar accurate? If you only have 12 vacant days between now and the end of the year, you’re sitting pretty!
You should use your real name and a face photo, it helps build trust with potential guests.
I am not a fan of the distorted “fish eye” pics … I am in Paris too, if you have not been able to get an Airbnb photographer, you can try to cancel your request for a photo session and send a new one, it worked for me.
You shoud set house rules !
Otherwise it looks like a nice place for a good price.
I don’t know if you play by the rules (re. short term rentals legislation in Paris) but I invite you to do so.
Thank you all! I will post other photos without fisheye! And add more info. I pretty much did everything and decorated with my wife but the place belongs to my wife and sister so they set the sister in law says she doesnt like the style at all -.-
It looks like a comfortable place to stay for a nice price in center of Paris.
However, there is not enough detail in the photos, and honestly to me, it looks boring. You can improve your photos a lot. More and better.
You should take the photos at the time of day when the light is brightest, so you get lots of natural light in the apartment. Turn on the lights to try to get the colors on the warm and bright side, instead of the current blue/grey tone which looks slightly cold.
Also, in addition to the overall shots, we would like to see closer shots of each part of the room; the bed, the kitchenette, the sitting area, the sink and bath, maybe increase your number of photos from 8 to around 20-30.
I find also that setting the table with plates/glasses, perhaps a book or two on the bed, cushions on the furniture adds a feeling of comfort, and it is less boring to the viewer. Use accents such as artworks or flowers to bring color to the room.
You have a nice place - we want to see more of it!
Looks good, agreed as above re more details and make the profile photo/name real.
Also what’s in the kitchen? (fully self contained/ appliances/ pot n pans/ tea & coffee)
Rules are a must! otherwise people may think it’s OK to smoke inside, bring back 5 friends they just met and not wash their dishes. (unless that really is OK )
I like the listing - clean, simple, not a lot of extra stuff to have to wade through. Just the facts. Yes, the decor could be a bit cozier and warm - but it looks clean and just perfect. Contradicting opinions may not be helpful, but I feel like you shouldn’t put anything in the photos that won’t be in the room - for instance, if you put fresh flowers in the photo, they should be in the room. If you put food on the table in the listing, people may get an idea that you serve or provide food. Sounds crazy, maybe, but guests do get confused sorting through listings.
What I noticed is the lack of capitalization in the description. The English is super helpful, but it would take just a minute to capitalize the first letter of your sentences and ‘Paris’, especially.
I agree with @dcmooney, I am not fond of pictures that look very staged with flowers, breakfast, very arranged linens… They look overdone, like someone wearing too much makeup !
Airbnb is tricky as you have to find a balance between looking professional and looking like a genuine, authentic experience !
About the decor, I think there is enough decor for a small parisien apartment. If it was my listing I would add a frame with artwork above the sofa and a shelf with a few books and tourist brochures, and maybe a few small potted plants.
Oh and if you re-shoot pictures by yourself, try taking pictures with your camera a little closr to the floor. Around 1.30m from the floor works great.
Generally I like it and would stay there. I like minimalist, but the bathroom looks a little cold and sterile even for me. Maybe add some nice towels and a little plant.
I agree with the others about the fisheye lense.
Something about the black lamp bothers me. Maybe it’s the angle and it wouldn’t be an issue with a normal lense.
I think the wall behind the sofa could use something hanging on it.
Definitely use your real first name and clear face photo.
You could say something about your neighborhood as well as nearby attractions and metro stations.