My Guest Cant book successfully on my listing

My Listing experienced a serious problem which is all my guest can request and enquiry my listing but they cant book it successfully and I tried it too and it keep mentined “You cant book on this property”. I had make several call to Airbnb customer service and they are like not handling my problem until I frustrated to post in this forum. Can anyone tell me what is going on and how to solve it?I dont want to create another one since I am the superhost for this listing and I gain alot of great review on this after one and half years.

Can’t help much from your description. If you give us the URL for the listing perhaps we can help more once we see exactly what’s going on. What, if anything, have you changed on the listing lately – photos, days, prices???

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Try reaching out to Airbnb via Twitter.

I would also keep calling until you get a result.

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this is the link.please helo to check.thanks

i had share the link.can you help to check?

We can’t help. We are just a forum of hosts with zero technical power to solve their glitches. You have to call them to check on what went wrong. Maybe it’s the guest’s credit card being declined.?

that link is not working, its just a general link to airbnb. Open up your listing and then copy what in your your address bar or supply your id number

Thank you so much for guiding me to seek for help from Twitter. It is easier and the convenient way to get connected compared to writing email or make a phone call to customer services.Anyway, I’ve solved my problem.

Thank you so much for guiding me to connected with airbnb thru twitter. They although response slower but it really work. Thank you.

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Happy you got things resolve @WiLson_Tan.