My first guest/review - and it was negative :( I'm gutted

She is heading over to America so watch out folks, she is going all over the states. Plump German lady who asks too many personnel questions, travels on her own, has a lisp and according to my children spits when talks

That is precisely why I don’t like “doing business” with friends or family; they take advantage of my services or what I have materially. It often ends where I feel used and unappreciated and uncompensated…and the relationship goes south in some way so its just not worth it. If I offer, that’s one thing because then it’s on me but I cringe when asked.

If your relationship isn’t dead (yet) with your N.Y. friend, ask her if she wouldn’t mind sending you a small package of coffee and some biscotti or chocolates (or whatever) from her area so you can surprise your husband…and see what she says. You’ll know soon enough what kind of friend she is.

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SHe is a a long time friend and actually i told her about Airbnb. She does give us little presents, but not over the top. Example: she sometimes, not always pays for my part when we go out for drinks,nothing major, just couple drinks here and there. She gave my husband a nice pair of sunglasses, but it was for his birthday. SO, i can not really say that it was a repayment for his favors. But, I really dont think it should be like that. I really dont need her to buy those few drinks and then i have to take care of her house whenever she needs it for free.

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This is completely unfair and friend or not, she is showing her true colors. I’m resentful just reading this. And the things she is asking you to do are not small. These are PM tasks. They can turn into time consuming tasks that eat your day away. When I managed my friends’ place it was emails or texts all day long… Some of them were micromanagement things (Is this done or that done, etc.) Can you call about this or that, can you arrange for delivery of this, (take a day off work to wait for it to get delivered) …can you go down and help the guests…can you … on and on… or the guests themselves calling me with petty things. The doozy being, can you come down here and move the lounge chairs for us? NO. JUST NO.

Your friend is cheap and definitely taking advantage of you. If she had to pay a PM, they would charge $35-40 an hour for those “Little things.” Add that up.

These people who live out of state and have vacation homes in resort areas need to step up to the plate and realize they need to fork over money for management. They always have an idea that it takes less time than it does. There is not any amount of money that I would accept to do that management “job” again.

Why should we work for free? Who works for free??


Paying for a round is something she’d do anyway and in no way does that compensate you for anything regarding her house tasks at all!!! I’m liking this friend less and less!

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Did you post this profile in our bad guest lounge? We’ve had so many I have lost track!!!

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Arrrghhhh… my cousin just NOW sent a text and wants to “visit” next year!!! Ready with my spiel too… Cannot block of the apartment any more because it’s my income but if it is available you can stay. If not, you can stay upstairs with me as long as it is not school break here and I have kids home. Then I cannot accommodate visitors at all.


If it’s a favored cousin, that will work; if not: “Terrific! Guess what! I was thinking of stopping by and visiting you and the family in _____ for about ___ days, if you’ll have me. I seriously need a break from hosting. Let me know soonest.”


Hahaha. Good one, turn it around. One that wanted a whole free 10 days, is the son in law of a cousin. a cousin I haven’t seen in 3 decades.


Me too. Love them… But they need to know I cannot give my apartment away for free.

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I think your response was amazing! You sounded concerned for the welfare of the guest yet announced the fact that his complaints were disclosed if only he had read the ad thoroughly. Contacting your next guest was risky but it seems as if she may be able to readdress some of the BS the first one complained about. No worries…you got this!



Please, where is this bad guest lounge. Inquiring minds want to know

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After that conversation she does not call me anymore with anything, not even to chat. ANd also on FB she does not react to my positngs, lol. I am happy i dont have to do stuff for her anymore,and if she took the wrong wayt hen let it be. My daughter when she was here also agreed with me that its a pure taken advantage situation.


Still, it really stinks to find out an old friend wasn’t actually a true friend. Rats.


its not the end of story. WHo knows may be she will get over it and realize that it does not mean i do not like her. I pointed out to her what i think was wrong of her to do, and now its her call to think about it and see for herself what she did wrong and stop doing it. I was as nice about it as possible.


Sometimes, with time, people see reason.

AJ send your listing to me via PM. We are getting so many members I have to vet all the applicants to make sure we are all hosts! :smile:


Are you serious? This long time friend isn’t speaking to you now?!!! Because you stood up for yourself and refused to be a free property manager? What kind of friend is this?

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May be its a coinsidence but i don’t think so.
We have another friend, lets call her Alex, who lives here and she rented at one point the house from the friend in question. Her husband is very handy, so the friend in question started asking her husband to fix things and was not paying him. After they moved Alex told me that she is happy that she was not going to ask her husband to work for free anymore. When i told her about this conversation and asked her may be i was wrong, she was happy to hear it. She said, i wish i was that brave and told her too, but we just complained to each other and never said anything.

So, as you see she is a “serial” user.

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