More importance placed on location?

We’ve thought about adding traffic times. The problem is that they vary greatly. I can get to downtown in fifteen minutes if there’s no traffic. It takes an hour and fifteen minutes during rush hour. Also, we’d have to include the times for all methods of transportation (bicycle, public transportation, car, walking). I believe we’d wind up with low star ratings for accuracy and comments on our too wordy listing.

Really. We cannot be expected to hold their hands on every aspect of their holiday for cryin out loud. The more you do, the more they can slam you on. Sad but true.

I’ve never understood this mentality. I didn’t blame the hotel in Prague because they only sold 30 minute tram passes at the desk. We figured out right away to use the 30 minute pass to get to a station where we could buy a month long pass.

I’m finding this to be the common thread in guests who mark down for location. They don’t realize things, and blame us. We can try to update the listing with more details, but too many details and we overwhelm guests who won’t read them all anyway, resulting in more guests who “didn’t realize” something that might now actually be included in the listing. What a frustrating cycle.

This is kind of off topic, but it reminded me of this thread I saw on reddit recently:

Does anyone here host in any of the redder areas of these cities?

I can see that perspective too. It’s a tough problem!

So do you now tell your guests: ‘Please note, the Big Island is not small’ :wink:

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No matter what I tell em, they don’t get it until they get here and see how giant it is.

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Hmm, looks like you’ve gotta petition your local authorities to rename it the:



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