More cancelations coming for hosts outside USA who get USA guests

No dreams but I’ve developed some hyper-awareness about people being too close or avoiding people with no mask or nose not covered.


Yes, I’ve had covid bleed into dreams. Mine aren’t about crowds – I want to go somewhere and I can’t find my mask. A variant on my usual stress or frustration-related dream in which I’m trying to get to a particular destination and the roads don’t match the map, or my car breaks down, or I have to catch innumerable buses, subways and trains in an extremely complex schedule. Maybe I should talk to a therapist haha, although a friend who is a psychotherapist told me dreams mean nothing other than making a personal interpretation that is useful to us in managing our lives.


Yes. I am somewhere and am the only one without a mask and I cannot find it. I look and look for it, kicking myself for having lost it.
Or I am in a crowded set of rooms and no one is wearing a mask.
Makes a nice change from my pre-pandemic “on stage but don’t know my lines”, “have missed the bus”, and “haven’t cleaned the listing” dreams…


I rarely have anxious dreams and never scary ones. But I often have problem needs to be solved dreams. So if I had one about masks I’d probably be rigging a mask out of my underwear or something and someone would be confronting me about it in the store. I have a packet of masks in my car so unlikely to be anywhere without one.

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And if you never, ever dream…?

Everyone dreams, you just don’t recall them on awakening.

I am not in the USA, and take great comfort that our border is closed to American visitors.