More about Airbnb party ban

So far over 50,000 banned bookings.

“If you are under the age of 25 and you don’t have a history of positive reviews, we will not allow you to book an entire home listing local to where you live,”


Sounds like a lot of hosts of those types of places lost a lot of income, including from those of if they were to have been responsible guests. Do large or “party” home hosts agree with this aggressive black out tactic? Are there no responsible under 25’s? Could our bookings be blocked? It mentions smaller local locations are not blocked and can still be booked by under 25 with a history of bad reviews. Btw we have numerous young guests and they have been great, 4 max.

It’s hard to be selective. My daughter booked a lakeside home for a memorial service for her dad. Technically I guess you could call it a party. It would have been unfortunate if she had been unable to do so, but I understand the broad brush approach.


I think they key is if she has a history of “not positive” reviews.

I like the idea of a lakeside memorial. Calm. Serene. Respectful. Water is good for the soul.

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Or dodged a party destruction bullet.

Airbnb has advertised this for months. Any host willing to host a party could list elsewhere.

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Ash Ceremony


great idea finally they are having common sense