Marked down for nature

I was just reading reviews for units in Maui and almost choked when I read a mom complaining how they checked out a unit because they didn’t want their baby crawling on the floor because there were some bugs in the condo. So instead, they went to a Westin where their baby most certainly was crawling on a floor and outside on grass that was sprayed with carcinogenic chemicals…


Yup… Take your pick.

Hey, I wanted to suggest “EcoSmart” sprays. They use essential oils. Or you can make your own with just peppermint oil and water. The oils stick and ants and spiders will not cross it. It was the only thing that worked for us!

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I don’t want to hijack Louise’s thread but since we are skirting the topic…does anyone have mouse control suggestions. I know to fill the holes with steel wool and I filled one already and I’m going to do some caulking today. Old fashioned spring traps with peanut butter were recommended to me but anything else anyone would suggest?

When it comes to mice I don’t joke around since I have kids and they spread disease (what’s funny though is we have a pet ret!). I have a pest control company I hire to take care of the mice here since we’re in a wooded area with a big old house. I have them use ecological friendly methods. If DIYing it, I’d have a variety of traps as those buggers are smart. Also, they don’t have good eye-sight, so putting the traps in corners is your best bet as they go along baseboards.

My mom used to always catch them under the sink in a jar of water with blocks going up it… that method is a little too much for me. I’d rather death be quick and as painless as possible. I hate sticky traps for mice, though they work well too.

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If you have mice, use the old-fashioned traps as soon as possible. We had an infestation at my “real” house last winter (due to my daughter’s idiot boyfriend eating in her bedroom and often leaving the back door open). The live ones didn’t attract many mice and the two that got into those traps died a slow death as I didn’t see that there was a mouse until it was too late. And, if you have one, you have nine. I had to disinfect the ENTIRE house!

Thanks. I’ve just ordered some spring traps from Amazon and I’ve been relocating treats and things in the laundry room that may have attracted them. Hawks have returned to the neighborhood and were in my yard yesterday. Maybe that will help.

I used this electric trap for mice at my old apt and it was incredibly effective and insures a quick, no-mess demise. A light blinks for 24 hrs after a mouse enters – you can empty the trap by turning it upside down and dumping and not ever seeing the little body. If you can’t check the trap for many days at a time, then I wouldn’t use this as a mouse will decompose inside…|THD|G|0|G-BASE-PLA-D28O-OutdoorGarden|&gclid=Cj0KEQjwgJq-BRCFqcLW8_DU9agBEiQAz8Koh36TPPLUYJ1YtSxILcCfxmzFq3D81e03YP1Rr_CQvtUaArZJ8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds

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I am in the Desert and I am against using chemicals, since if they can kill an insect, remember what they will do to your lungs. Also I spoke to a native to the Desert when I first moved here and what he told me is the following:

Long daddy is so appreciated by natives since it can not harm a human, but he can shore kill a scorpion.
I had a guest (actually two) that were send by a competitor host, he is doing fantastic with 90% occupancy during low season, and I have 1 guest/three nights for the Holiday weekend.

Anyway Louise, I would only choose your place, it is lovely, and please do not ever result to “Chemicals”.

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Good advice. Although our desert place gets overrun with crickets at certain times of the year. They can be pretty annoying but you can control them with non chemical methods. Some guests totally flip out, and I’m sure they blast the place with Raid, which does nothing except drown them and poison us. Better to use vinegar spray, or I just vacuum them up in the morning and they stay pretty much gone–at least for a few hours! :slight_smile:

J Wang, there is nothing that I can recommend for “Ignorance”.
I will from now send a message before confirming a request for the guest to acknowledge that they have rad Description and House Rules.

Let those “guest” go to that competitor Host who did send them over in the first place…