Lying guest sneaks in extra guest and requests early leave

Do not post that review.
Wait for help here.
Way too long makes you look a bit crazy.



RR is totally right. I’m sure Ken & Alison will chime in soon. My own head is currently boiling too much to be of help at the moment.


Try something like this @cyjoy

"Sadly I cannot recommend this guest.

"He lied about non existent noise, from upstairs residents who were actually away at the time, as he wanted an excuse to leave my place early, for longer term accommodation he had found in the area.

"He lied to try and get a higher refund than he was eligible under the cancellation policy he booked under.

"And he sneaked in an additional guest for the duration of his stay against my house rules, and when confronted, refused to pay for her.

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Honestly, if someone is that sneaky and it’s only day 3, just let them leave early. You don’t want to deal with all that. There are a sea of better guests out there. Make sure to review him accordingly and report him to Airbnb. Don’t refund him either. Let Airbnb take care of that.

Also, the security cameras should be mounted in a place where guests can’t reach them. I have mine mounted on the ceiling and I get alerts if they go offline or stop recording data.


I agree they should be mounted and also declared in line with Airbnb’s policy for CCTV.


Thanks @Helsi @NE10 @Joan @RiverRock and all others who have posted helpful comments,
I modified the review to make it looked not so irrational. Sorry I was really pissed off at that time.
The guest has yet reviewed me. Obviously he’s very familiar with the game. I guess we’ll both hold this until the last minute.

@Helsi Really appreciate! I have changed some lines according to your kind suggestion. Do you think I should mention “he wanted an excuse to leave my place early, for longer term accommodation he had found in the area”. My concern is I don’t have substantive evidence for this.
I also removed the part “the guest was evicted” as I’m not 100% sure if this will breach ABB content policy “providing specific details or outcomes of an Airbnb investigation”.

Thanks @cyjoy

Perhaps shorten the sentence to ‘he wanted an excuse to leave my place early’?

And yes I wouldn’t mention the previous eviction.

Your views in the main are about warning future hosts.

Make sure you leave him 3 stars as a maximum. This means he can’t IB with future hosts and has to make a request. Hopefully hosts will then check his reviews before considering a booking for him.

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I would be very careful about using these actual words. I have a suspicion it would/could violate Air’s policy somewhere. It can be construed as libel.

You could try ‘‘economical with la verite’’!


How about “was less than truthful”?

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Report him to your friend and to the guest’s manager at the firm. State that you will go on a social media rant outing this guy as a scammer and a fraud and naming the company in your Tweets, FB posts, Google+ reviews, Yelp review, Instagram accounts, and every online travel forum you can find. You just write one bad review, cut and paste across platforms.

Then you tell air that this guy works for a travel company, LIVES LOCALLY and LIED about it, and you pay Intellius their $9.99 (or whatever) fee to find out all his past and present addresses.

Get electronic locks.

He broke your house rules by having an overnight guest.