It's time to take a stand against door slammers and bathroom flooders

Say what? Sailing close to the wind there with that one …


Don’t put up with this stuff. I have had more than 200 bookings and the only problem was with one noisy couple - 2 young English ladies. When my guests arrive, I welcome them warmly, make sure they take their shoes off (this is Sweden), give them a good orientation and then tell them the only house rule is not to disturb the neighbors because if they do, I won’t be able to do Airbnb. Works every time.

That said, I agree, some guests are not candidates for home stay visits. They seems to think because they are paying, they are in a hotel, so they can do what they want. That is where you have to be tough. I threatened to call the police on the young English ladies, as there is a noise ordinance here.

Theresa Ekstrom

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I agree. Showing them in personally and politely mentioning the subjects where I’ve had issues, such as water conservation, completely fixed it.