Issue after check out - negative review or message them?

Bad review I guess since you can’t prove the presence of anyone else. Dumb bunny guest. Was she raised in a barn?

Hot shot carpet spot cleaner and oxyclean carpet cleaner do a great job getting out wine and other carpet stains. (You probably have your favs, sharing in case your fav leaves a red wine shadow)

Oh I forgot to mention, I asked her to bring the keysafe in when she collected the keys. She didnt. I wanted to ask her why - under the guise of ‘are the instructions unclear?’ - it seems so simple, just unclip it from the chain and bring it inside!

I know I sound bonkers, wanting answers and all.

I will check those products out thank you. I haven’t got a huge array of products so there’s always room to improve that.

Can you describe what you mean by this? My bathrooms are all tile so cleaning is easy. Sounds like you have a different configuration?

Ah sorry @anon67190644. I meant bathroom door, so a white painted door. The remnants of red wine spilt, I think you call them ‘legs’ as the wine has dropped down the door and left streaks on the paint.

How on earth! The bathroom isn’t that big. So she sat on the loo and tossed wine at the door while she was facing it? Who knows.

Much more likely that she sneezed while peeing. :wink:


Lol @anon67190644! maybe that was what happened.

I had dirty sanitary products left in a bedroom waste paper bin recently, it was really horrid. Additionally used condom on the bathroom floor too.

I did not leave a specific review pointing this out, as I was embarrassed to even mention it, the longer I do Airbnb the more I realise that 1:10 guests are really quite dirty in their living standards.

But, unless the damage is permanent, I get my rubber gloves out and get scrubbing!

It is really disappointing when you leave an immaculate home for guests and they cannot think to themselves, " Wow, I must try to leave it nice and clean."

But that seems to be hospitality, this website has become such a help to me, I read the posts and never feel like my home is the only one that gets a tough time every now and then :slight_smile:


I’ve often wondered " how did they DO that???" when a guest checks out, but unless you’re going the route of a claim, it is best to let this go. If your metrics allow it just don’t leave a review. OR (and I hope you go this route) say something to the effect that it was nice hosting them and glad they had a fun time in your flat…then dock them on all the stars. I’ve come quite accustomed to looking at the stars for guests ( eeek I have a 4 star this month) and tend to quickly gloss over the public comments. We’ve all left " Yep, they’ve slept here" comments on problematic guests so that star rating is really where you can let your voice be heard.

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I read somewhere that a host found pubes in the fruit bowl :astonished:

Thanks for the info. Is that better than leaving a realistic and honest comment of, they were polite however some damage was sustained to carpet and walls from spilt red wine with no communication from guest at any stage?

As a host, I’d love for other hosts to provide this information. This is obviously my first real issue (other than Mr & Mr Snoopy who took our (used) towels from the back of the wardrobe to use. - don’t get me started on those two!)

Ewwww. How? Why? Gosh you know what, I don’t want to know.

It is just my opinion- that if you don’t address it with the guest or seek security money for damages it is sort of an assumption as to what transpired. I try not to get bogged down by trying to figure out what happened- if it isn’t worth getting $$ in damages it isn’t worth any more of your brainpower.
I don’t like negative reviews for things guests didn’t address with me- so I extend the same logic to my reviews of guests.
But do what is right for you-

Just leave a bad review. If you try to investigate she will think that you will leave her a bad review and do the same. You certainly don’t deserve that.
Some guest are just really dirty and maybe this is the only way they will learn how to become more decent.

I’ve come quite accustomed to looking at the stars for guests

Where are you able to see the guests stars from other hosts? Thanks!

I see it under “about this guest” on the message thread (desktop version). There may be other places but I suggest you search for yourself depending on which version of the platform you are using it might be in a different spot. I think you can only see this after they book, not if they are just inquiring. Maybe someone will pop in and correct me.

Thanks for this! Yes, on the message history page, left hand side under “About this Guest”. I just checked my Australian foot stroking swimmer’s stars, which should now be effected by my own rating and review. I confess to being disappointed. He shows as having an overall 4.5 for House Rules and communication, yet I gave him none for HR, and three for communication. Not much of an effect there then, and he only has three reviews. I didn’t recommend him to other hosts, based on how he broke our HRs so very badly.

None is not calculated into the star rating. Would have been more effective to give a 1-star.

Expletive, followed by expletive, expletive, expletive…