Is it bad to contact a guest about their review?

Best to just block her so she can’t book again. I’ve only have 2 4 star folks I didn’t and that was before I posted the rating guide (available on this forum) on the b&b kitchen bulletin board.

If they have no previous reviews I do explain the rating system if the timing is right.

I queried the 2 of my 3 four-star reviews ( :rofl:that is a confusing mouthful!) given for cleanliness. I think it’s fine to ask what one could have done better. Both answers were nit-picks: a bit of dust when she moved the desk (why move the desk? But, okay - shouldn’t be there) and a bit of grit when another guest took up the Persian rug to do yoga on the wood floor…

I agree that, after leaving one mildly snarky review, I’ll never do it again- it said little about the guest, but volumes about me :grimacing:

Four year old topic, eesch.

Closed, as my sole contribution to forum housekeeping for the past week.


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