Instant Book to thieving prostitute with bad ID. No payment or response from Airbnb

THIS is EXACTLY what happened to be., ABnB let an unverified prostitute into my home who subsequently trashed it. I wasn’t paid and am now having dramas getting any reply back.

Hey, I’m pretty sure we have the EXACT SAME situation going on right now. We’re freaking out. What was the name of the prostitute???

If you don’t live on the rental property you absolutely must get outdoor cameras at each entrance. Then picture and mention them prominently in your listing as a “safety feature.” This is will discourage anyone who is planning on violating your rules or conducting illegal activities from booking your place at all and if they book anyway you’ll be alerted right away and you have video evidence that can be provided to police and prosecutors. Good luck with your current case.


@KKC Off site host. I have a cheap WiFi cam right next to the front door, right out in the open,you can’t miss it. I mention it in my ads. I don’t use the video, just a series of 3 snapshots when triggered and emailed to me instantly. Most of my renters ignore it. One or two seemed mildly annoyed by it (gave me the finger, lol). One of my favorite repeat renters threw some gang signs with her ‘crew’ in front of it (I sent her a .jpg). I do feel that it discourages the criminals and scammers. As a remote host I have to say I love being able to see who is staying at my place and I highly recommend.

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I don’t know if that even signals annoyance. In your case I would read that as amusement or joking. In some circles it’s almost flattering. LOL.

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We had some renters say very clearly almost into the camera ‘This is how all bad horror movies start’. I almost spit out what I was drinking, bc I laughed so hard


I don’t use the audio but that is pretty funny. Tried it but it felt a little creepy. lol

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Ours doesn’t give us a choice it auto records, when there is motion, and include audio. My husband thinks I’m a total CREEP, but I like to know what’s happening at the property. There is an option where I can talk via the camera, I haven’t done that yet, bc that is CREEPY. Maybe for Halloween.

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I think I can talk as well, but I can’t imagine that i would.

My Ring is the doorbell camera and it’s mounted next to the gate where they enter. Once they get into the porch I can’t see them anymore. So they have a bit more privacy. It’s really perfect as a video doorbell. I wish I had better cameras on my property though, and not just for airbnb.

I used the voice part one time with someone who arrived early to drop off their dog. I told them “sorry, I’ll be right there.” I was in the car on the way home. It’s not as creepy if they ring the doorbell.

I also can’t imagine a scenario where I would need to talk via the camera. Maybe burglars.

I have a Ring Stick Up Camera that allows me to talk to guests at the front door and I have several times and yes, it does surprise the guest but…I have a keypad lock on the door that the guest needs to enter their phone number plus star to unlock the door and turn on the lights. If they are having problems getting in then I talk to them and remind them how to operate the lock and answer any questions they have. This allows me to have a life and not be sitting waiting for the guest to arrive unannounced or later than expected. If they still can’t get the code right then I can unlock the door from my phone…


I used to think the same but now think many of those apparently first timers are just people that have bad reviews and started a new account.

I have had guests now (I know this is a very old post now) that ring the doorbell in irder to talk with me. If I don’t talk they sometimes get annoyed.

Responding on old posts is frowned upon here and it really, really bothers NordlingHouse. Consequently when old posts are necro’d and we notice it we are closing them down.

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