Insta book/ no reviews

I ask all my guests reasons for their stay as I don’t want longer stay guests who work from home all day @jaquo

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As a RTB host only, the only thing I ask requesters (if they have ignored me asking them in my listing info to answer this in their request or inquiry message) is whether they have been vaxed for Covid, as I share space with guests.

Other than that, only if their initial message gives no indication that they’ve read the listing info would I ask them any questions, but those questions are not asking them any personal questions, like the purpose of their travel, whether they have been to the area before,etc,- they are questions like making sure they realize it’s a homeshare, for 1 guest only, and that it’s a 20 minute walk to town and the beach- trying to ascertain if they understand what they have requested to book.

The amount of time before they get an acceptance depends entirely on how soon they get back to me. It is usually within 5 minutes, but if they ghost me, yeah, they are going to be waiting. Tough luck for them.

If they send a nice, informative message which makes it clear they have read the listing, I hit accept immediately.
If hosts don’t use IB, they shouldn’t be slow in responding- I can imagine how frustrating that would be for guests.

I also think it bizarre to only accept guests that have some social media presence. I’d be a great guest, but hosts would miss out if they used that vetting method, as I have zero social media accounts.

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The guest can look at my Airbnb profile and provide simaler information via Airbnb. If they have know reviews then i will ask for addional reference’s. If not happy to decline guest’s.

I do not requre guest to have a social media profile if they have previous reviews and give me as much information about themselfes as i give them. However if they have no review i ether decline or ask for some form of profesional review. I am a older lady living alone and if they dont want to give me information thats OK its up to them. I have 163 reviews 5 star. I only had to decline one young man who refused. Clearly not a good match to share my home with.

I would not accept FB , Twitter etc.

Well, of course you should do what makes you comfortable, but I’m a 73 year old female who lives alone and rents out a private room in my home, have accepted several guests with no reviews, didn’t ask them personal questions, nor look for a linked-in profile, and they all were lovely guests.

It’s how guests communicate that determines how I feel about clicking on the accept button.

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