"Infants" stay for free

That is why I charge them separately via the Resolution Center if they are listed as infants. They are not allowed on my property unless they are paid for, no matter the age or method of payment. It is in my House Rules. It has not been an issue of collection because they do not get let in by me without payment and I have yet to have an infant (or child) show up after their parents who checked in without them. Dogs and adults…now that’s a different matter.
Note that they do not end up paying Airbnb Service Fees ot Occupancy taxes and fees for he infants because they pay via Resolutions center. If I did it by Special Offer they would. I am saving them money whether they real or it or not.

Thanks for that information. I did not know that funds through the Resolutions center did not incur additional fees…good to know.

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Technical point – Occupancy taxes would still be due on any additional income charged through the Resolution Center; however you would be stuck with remitting them yourself if Airbnb does not collect.

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