I'm building an Airbnb AI Bot for hosts

Just has a 404 in a json encode for me.

That’s because you haven’t authenticated your request.

Try using CURL from a command line. For example.

curl -X POST -d “client_id=3092nxybyb0otqw18e8nh5nty” -d “locale=en-US” -d “currency=USD” -F grant_type=password -F password=asdf1234 -F username=airbnbdev@gmail.com https://api.airbnb.com/v1/authorize

Here’s an example of it being used.

Here’s a better example. Results for Lake Tahoe…



How did you register a client_id? Do you simply use other’s app id?

I would not be interested. It is the personal communications that build a bond of trust between host and guest. The more antiseptic and rote the more likely one side will not treat the transaction with respect.


Igor, you need to format a request for a token with an email and password…

Method: HTTP
POST Endpoint URL: https://api.airbnb.com/v1/authorize

Default Required URL Parameters:

Key Value Description
client_id 3092nxybyb0otqw18e8nh5nty API Key
Optional URL Parameters:

Key Sample Value Description
locale en-US Desired lagnuage
currency USD Currency for listings
Default Required Form Parameters:

Key Value Description
grant_type password
Required for email authentication (as opposed to OAuth)

Key Sample Value Description
username airbnbdev@gmail.com Account’s email address
password asdf1234 Account’s clear-text password (note: endpoint uses HTTPS)

I am pretty familiar with the API you’re referring to, since I’m working directly with Airbnb dev team on this.

But where did you get a client_id? it’s an API key that has to belong to some registered app. How did you get that one for yourself?

I just posted my airbnb user/pass and got an access_token. Does this not work for you?

By using doing that your are giving access to your account to someone’s application indicated by the API Key client_id=3092nxybyb0otqw18e8nh5nty

Does that application belong to you?

I know this guys has published the same key in here:

But that might be an attempt to gather access to all of those accounts.

The last 4 posts on this thread above this one are like a language I just do not understand :slight_smile:

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I think they’re speaking Klingon


lol. programming talk. :slight_smile:


I like to know from where you are getting the client ID ?

Also did you tried the Google Login API in airbnbapi.org page? Its not working for me.

Please update.


You’ve got to talk to airbnb about the client id.

Hi Airbot,

Did you work on the Google Sign-in API ? Did you had a chance to test the API end point with Google OAUTH token?


Hi Igor, can you please tell me who can I contact for getting a client id? I am working on some app and I need access on Airbnb API.

Count me in! That sounds like a great tool. :slight_smile:

hey this is a great tool! How are you able to extract the “client_id” ?

@Igor_Kostin I am playing with screen scrape with Airbnb api, I noticed that they have recently put in some site blocking after x number of tokens connect to the site, So far 9 or 11 seems to be the pattern. Did you notice that?

This is exactly what I’m looking for as I’m managing over 50 Airbnb listings. But I see your site is still in Beta and no updates, when is this gonna go live?