How to predict that a booking is coming soon!

Checking your heart rating can sometimes predict a booking. For example it seems I get a booking for every 5 hearts I receive, so if a few days go by without a booking and I check to see I have an extra 8 hearts I know people are interested, have bookmarked it and I will probably get a booking.If you get an inquiry you can also check to see if they “hearted you” to see how serious they are and also you can see if they “hearted” your competition; and that gives you an idea they are deciding between the 2(you can check your competitions calendar to see if its open for the same slot and if it is you may or may not decide to give a special offer especially if the booking is next day) Just a thought!

I get a booking every 5 (continuous) barks from my next-door neighbor´s dog.
Wish to be true :slight_smile:


How do you see who has added you to their wish list?

When you get an inquiry check to see if they have a wish list and if you were on it and if any of your competition is on It…

Oh I see! Hadn’t thought of doing that. Thanks :slight_smile:

I did this the other day. Business has been slow. I got a request for a booking for that day. I saw that they had a wish list with several DC hosts so I sent them a special offer with a few bucks off. Score!

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Bingo! I’ve done the same thing . I have even taking bookings away from
other hosts who have a flexible cancellation policy, that’s why would never
have a flexible policy people will just cancel if they get a better deal I
know because sometimes I am that better deal .


January 16

I did this the other day. Business has been slow. I got a request for a
booking for that day. I saw that they had a wish list with several DC hosts
so I sent them a special offer with a few bucks off. Score!

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January 16

When you get an inquiry check to see if they have a wish list and if you
were on it and if any of your competition is on It…

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Honestly, I can´t predict when a booking will come but I will tell you that bookings in my case came all together in a row.
I might experience 10 days with no single inquiry and then all the sudden 3 bookings on the same day. I talked to other hosts and a lot faced the same situation as me. I guess this is due to the dynamic place assignment your listing has in the search results. So when I receive many bookings in a row I suppose it is due that my listing´s exposure has increased.

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Yes, I typically get booking requests and inquiries in bunches. Last night I got two booking requests and one inquiry, all at almost the same time. And another booking request the day before. I wasn’t too happy about it, because I was trying to get something else done, but had to drop what I was doing and attend to it. And it’s not uncommon for 10-12 or even more days to pass with no activity whatsoever.