How many towels do you use a week?

This is just for you personally at home (not your guests) - How many wash cloths, large bath towels, and hand towels do you use yourself each week?

Do you use a fresh towel each day, etc? Multiple days, once a week?

One bath towel per person per week here. I know that some people like to use a new one for every single shower but because clean water is being wiped from a clean body, I prefer to cut down on the laundry and simply hang the towels outside to dry daily.

Two hand towels per week (for two people). I use a new washcloth every day (so I have seven) and it seems that himself doesn’t use any :wink:


Two bath towels, two hand towels, plus two smaller towels for the gym.

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I let them use as much as they want. Some use 2 a day, some 1 per stay, some don’t use any.

Paul - how many do you use at home for one week? - not guests

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Uh, I plead the 5th.

It’s so dry here that towels dry in a few hours and never smell mildewy so I typically go more than a week. I also don’t shower every day if I’m not going to be around any other humans so I probably go 2-3 weeks on a towel. Eeek.


Lol! I don’t shower if I don’t need to daily. Maybe that’s why in the other thread I could be out the door by 9 a.m. - and I am not even what you would consider an early bird!!

I also don’t wear makeup or blow dry my hair. Just roll right out of bed and brush my teeth…lol - I am sooo low maintenance :smile:


I use 1 bath sheet, one hand towel and a gant de bain per week. Husband uses one bath towel, one hand towel and 7 washcloths per week (or close to that.)

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Yeah, we’re low maintenance here. 1 towel per person, and I cringe try to get to washing towels every other week. My kids don’t shower daily and my husband and I are clean and the towels dry well. We use one hand-towel per bathroom, and I wash those roughly once a week, though in the main-floor bathroom it may be every other day. We don’t use many wash cloths around here, except or when my husband shaves.

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I never paid this much attention to exactly how many towels i use each week, but i am guessing 2 for me, and i dont use hand towels, i just use a towel that hangs there which i use for after shower. I dont use wash clothes, as we never had such a thing in my home country. We had bath sponges,. I have a special small towel though that i use for my face only and its separately hanged. SO, 2 big towels and one small.
Showers are hard to miss here in South Florida because of humidity, But if i take a shower at night i dont see how i need it a few hours later in a morning if all i did is slept. Certain parts of the body still need “freshing up”, but i think another 20 minutes shower is nonsense. I am refering to my shower loving guest.


We are low-lifes - lol - we have 2 - 3 towels hanging in the bathroom where most of us shower, and we switch off. Bummer when you’re the last to shower on a busy night…but we don’t have room to hang one for each person, like when I grew up. We switch them out about 1x per week - depending on what other laundry I have going in.

We don’t use wash clothes and just one hand towel in the bathroom that our friends would be likely to use.


Eww, I sound like a high-maintenance princess :kissing_closed_eyes:


Two bath towels and two hand towels a week, one for each of us. My husband uses one of those pouf things in the shower and I use these loofa like gloves.

I use cotton rounds to take off my makeup, if I’m wearing any. I only wear makeup when I got out as a general rule, which means weeks go by with me bare faced, LOL! I only wish more of my female guests would take the less is more approach when it comes to makeup.


I only use 1…

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1 bath towel. My bathroom hand towels get changed once or twice a week.

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2-4. One for my body and one for my hair, dried inbetween.

My guests seem to average one per day on a weekend stay. I have a dozen thick cotton towels for 6 guests and they normally use every single one.

I know that this isn’t the theme of the post but I leave three bath towels and three hand towels for guests plus four washcloths. They’ve never asked for more.

There are also spares in the linen closet there are never used, plus two towels that are specifically for beach use.

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Hubs uses 2 bath towels per week and 2 washcloths. I use 1 bath towel, 1 hand towel, and 2-3 wash cloths per week. We also have hot tub towels, and we probably use 2-4 per week, depending on who dropped one on the ground/ in the hot tube/ on the dog/ etc. I cheat and throw all my towels and linens in for the house keeper to do when she cleans for guests :grin:

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I’m happy to see these responses, because when I used to read the Houzz website avidly, it seemed the majority of the (mostly US) posters had clean towels every day. I really felt like the unhygenic Brit …

I certainly would be a high-maintenance princess like @Barthelemy if I had a low-maintenance slave … clean white fluffy towels for me every day, please, and be damned to the drought in Southern Spain. Unfortunately I only have a laundryman/husband who is too busy washing guest’s bed and bath linen to bother much about clean towels for us, so I guess clean bath and hand towels about once every ten days, more often if the weather is humid.