Hosting while broke(n)

Well, despite my best laid plans, I ended up in the ICU Tuesday. Blood clot in my lungs. Now I know, if I pass out I should call my dr, not assume i’m just lazy/out of shape from being mostly bedbound.

Got home yesterday, new Airbnb guest today. Husband’s boss is being understanding, and he’s applying for leave until i’m out of the cast. I’m feeling much weaker than I did after I broke my leg. I was the healthiest person in the ICU… But it was still the ICU. The lady next to me was in and out of consciousness and was probably going to lose her hand to gangrene.

To end on a positive note, my night nurse, Carlos, was gorgeous. Even my husband said he was hot. (And then there was poor Eddie, who couldn’t find a female nurse when I needed his help dealing with a female problem. “Now it’s time to be the excellent nurse I know I am” he bravely self-talked.)

1 star on location, but 5 stars for hospitality. :wink:


Yikes @Alia_Gee, that sounds a bit scary. So glad to hear you’re back home and on the mend. Look after yourself!


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Ditto what Magwitch said! Hope the rest of your recuperation is nowhere near as dramatic!

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Oh my goodness, a blood clot! ICU! That’s scary.

I hope you’re back on your feet soon.