Host Protection Claims - Experiences &’Suggestions

Tips & Strategies dealing with Airbnb for claims?

Does media attention result in higher payout for claims?

Are you getting low ball or fair offers for damages & claims?

Experience on receipts requests & depreciation of items?

Level of protection & length of time for LifeLock identity protection?

Requirement to sign non-disclosure agreement?

Has anyone compared Airbnb Host Protection pay out with private insurance aka commercial insurance?

I operate with the expectation that the “Host Protection Guarantee” is about as useful as a chocolate fireguard. It’s pretty evident that Air will, if they can, get out of having to pay out on it & even then expect to have to jump through hoops especially if the claim is high. Certainly not anything I will ever rely on or be assured by.


Since it’s virtually impossible to collect from both at the same time, I doubt you’re going to find anyone who can compare apples to apples on this.

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You have to have your own STR insurance. This makes all these questions irrelevant.


If only…


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