“Hold ... Hooold ... Hoooooooold” out for the long-term bookings

Good idea, Folks. I find my 2 day minimum gets wedding guests booking far in advance and then, peak season (in Southern England that’s only about 3 months), the gaps gradually fill up. But that’s a lot of turnarounds so it’s expensive cleaning and laundry and I’m often away myself so things go wrong.
Anyway, I’m already booked for most of June and July. So, I’ve just put a 6 day minimum for end of July to the end of August and we’ll see how it goes…Thank you!

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You’ve resurrected an 8 month old post and messaged someone who was suspended from the forum for violation of TOS. Ugh.

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They should get some sort of scarlet letter next to the name so people know they are suspended!



I think he’s served his sentence but hasn’t returned.

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