Help please. My listing has lost all settings for long term reservations

I noticed today my settings for rentals greater than 30 days are cleared!

I wondered why I hadn’t received any inquiries for off season long term rentals. My neighbors have. Turns out my listing’s discount for LTR is cleared and my maximum rental period is 31 days!!! (Arggggg)

I’ve rebuilt all except I can’t find where to set custom weekly and monthly rates. I don’t want someone renting next June with a discount. Please help. How do I access it?

I appreciate your help. Airbnb help is slow so I thought I would try y’all first

On a computer, you go to Pricing → Length of Stay Discounts. Click “edit” on Length of Stay Discounts and at the bottom of those there’s a note that says:

“You can also set a custom price for a specific week or month.”

The words week and month are hyperlinks to set custom discounts.

Is this what you were looking for?