Help, new to airbnb, haven't had any bookings

Sandy, I empathize with your high level of sensitivity but it sometimes leads to you lashing out at people in misdirected ways. When everyone around has seemingly failed or disappointed you and you’re the last compassionate and caring person left because you’ve voted everyone off the island, it might be useful to consider if this is partly an issue of your perception or making.

It’s true I am very sensitive to any kind of mean spirited behavior. I have dealt with more than enough of a life times worth of cruelty, and I don’t think there’s any place for it. If that’s what it takes to hang around with this group, then I can quite happily ‘vote myself off’. Believe it or not, there are islands where this kind of thing doesn’t fly - or if someone slips up they own it and we move on.

It’s not that I’m asking you to leave – I truly, genuinely enjoy reading your detailed descriptions of your home and hosting style and you’ve always been a crucial voice and perspective on here. The forum has been so much more useful and engaging since you first openly expressed your frustrations with guests.

I do wish that you would not experience the discourse here to be so personal or wounding. I think Billy Bob once told me that I don’t understand accounting or something like that. It doesn’t prevent me from finding some of the things he says to be amusing, although I understand that he’s been abrasive and insulting in the past.

Chicago, I think you’re mistaken. I’m not personally wounded in the least. Once again, whether or not you find Billybobs style of humor to be amusing, it relies purely on belittling others by using sarcasm and exaggeration to ridicule others genuine experiences. The fact that you and DC were amused by it belied your own attitude towards people that have struggled with Chinese guests. It didn’t reference any experience I had been through with Chinese guests, but I felt it was a vile way to try to shame those who’s experiences he had referenced. Again, I don’t think this is appropriate behavior for a forum that should be here to support others doing what can really be quite a difficult job, especially for those that don’t have hospitality training.

I don’t lack a sense of humor, it’s just that I don’t feel one ever has to resort to ridiculing others or their experiences. I am surprised I have to explain this so many times. I am also surprised that you can’t see what might be inappropriate about that kind of humor.

THAT could have been your problem?? Are you specifically catering to singles? If so… I would imagine the price needs to be low. Most people travel in a minimum of two. Maybe now that you changed it you should have some action. Let us know!

So far, no new views (or views at all). And no messages either. I am thinking about running ads for my listing but from certain ad programs–they can be quite pricey. I tried promoting my listings on facebook but people told me to delete it cause everyone wants an ‘‘under the table’’ negotiation. Which is what I am most scared of.

Going to keep waiting and reduce prices. Thank you for your help.

I apologize for my comments and replies. I should have looked the other way, I just wanted a chance to reply to everyone. I thought this was a bad guest experience…I know a host story from someone in paris that got assaulted and thought it was one of those stories. Never will I ever support bullying or racism. Excuse my contribution, if there was any.

VB… just give it some time… don’t give money to third party services…Well, I wouldn’t… Keep in mind too …this is a dead time of year for almost all of us. Hawaii is dead as a doornail!!

If you would like to PM your listing to me, I can look it over and review it for you.

Nothing you did vbamv.

Okay. Will take note of that. I thought airbnb would be popular around winter. Or during this time because people usually plan things ahead. I read an article on snowbirds coming down to Florida and thought maybe it is time to start hosting. Anyway, I will consider a private listing exchange with you in the near future. I want to re-arrange my furniture and get that free photography service they offer to amp up my listing.

Please don’t leave I enjoy reading your posts x

I definitely recommend the Airbnb free photography visit @vbamv

Sorry I have not read all posts here, but I am familiar with your problem. How much competition would you say you have? If someone searches your city or area on Air BnB, how many places come up? That should tell you right away if getting noticed will be hard. I was looking for a place in Malmö Sweden, and up came a hundred or so! Yikes! Do you live in a city where it would be that bad for prospective guests?
I am in such a unique position being in a popular tourist destination, a small town, and the only Air BnB in this town of 3,500 people. So if you search my town, you get ME! I filled up weekends the first month, and never looked back, all weekends for 6 months book solid.
How to get noticed if you have big competition? Very hard, when people search, they get the whole list in the city and you just are one of the crowd.
Do you have any unique feature? My house is an exact copy of a Swedish cottage of 1900 era, that really brings them in. Gotta have a selling point, near the beach, a lake, the clubs? You know what I mean,

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I counted not all but a pretty good majority. There’s over 100+ listings in a single city. So competition is tough. I definitely need to promote some place else, then maybe people will rent my place by word of mouth. You are lucky you live in a very small populated town. Must been big business for you–how fun :slight_smile: Also no I don’t have a unique feature, but maybe we can incorporate my mexican culture in the room a bit. Add decorations, paintings, and color. Thank you for your input.

I live in a very highly populated place between Miami and Fort Lauderdale. There are hundreds and hundred of rooms listed in my area in my price range. That was one of the reasons I choose to be on Instant book. Most people don’t like IB so there are very few INin my area. Today I checked it’s only me in my price range.
But some days no one just need a room , I guess :smile:
I have no reservation though I was pretty busy the past week.
Your situation with no views and booking is unique.,
Have you tried calling Airbnb?

That’s a really good idea! Make it more colorful with deocrations and celebrate your Mexican culture. How about offering a margarita upon arrival? :slight_smile: Just kidding! Well–kind of!

Just seen this and I am very sorry to see DCMOONEY go.
She is a lovely and helpful lady and no doubt a very gracious host.
Why would we behave in a way that pushes out such helpful and informative and genuinely nice people?
This is sad to see - it really is!

Actually, no one tried to push her out, at least, I certainly didn’t if that’s what you’re implying. All I did was draw attention to the fact that she kept ‘liking’ remarks that called or insinuated that anyone that had been through bad experiences hosting Chinese guests are racists. While saying she was open to discussing the issue and why it was occurring - hosts come here seeking understanding after all and ways to cope, she was at the same time poking fun and making those that had been through difficult times feel uncomfortable about sharing by ‘liking’ posts who put down those that had shared a negative experience.

When I pointed it out that it wasn’t unnoticed, I was simply hoping she would understand it was not a way to foster a safe and helpful environment for hosts in need of support and thought she might do the right thing, recognize that the behavior was destructive and offer to stop. Instead, she continued to claim that she accidentally hit the likes (despite being on two different threads and pertaining to the same thing), and tried to make out she was the victim and had been slandered. This never happened and was completely unnecessary. I have however seen people do this before. Whatever DC is, she’s not a victim. She could easily have simply apologized for causing offense and it would have been over with.