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In my experience, every one of my 4 star reviews have come from a guest I have told no to about something. I just had a same day booking request at 11AM and as soon as I accepted they asked to check in at 12. I said no, the cabin was not prepared for them and I would text them when it was ready. I texted them an hour before check in that they could come anytime. They showed up hours later. Oh well, cue the review…
They checked all the boxes for cleanliness and responsiveness and pictures matched yet gave me 4 stars across the board, yet 5 overall.
It was really confusing at first, then I remembered they were told no.
Whatever, I still have 4.97 overall it does not affect me in any meaningful way, but still its upsetting!
When guests ask for special considerations and are denied and subsequently review and rate the host for the denial rather than the grace in which the request was answered Is sadly symptomatic of the crude and very selfish attitude that prevails In the USA today.
@Thunderlake, I totally agree. We’ve been dinged several times for location even though Accuracy was 5! How does that work??? Value is another of those ratings that are crazy. It’s too subjective.