Guests Requests Cancelled Because of Failure to Read House Rules

Too funny, but not funny, right? You are so right, though. I just didn’t think to contact Airbnb for declining the request, as they ask you why you are declining, and I state that the Guest did not agree to the House Rules noting the COVID requirement. I didn’t know these requests affected my performance as a Superhost. I will be contacting them going forward but now that I’ve added the “Pro-Vax Host” to my title description as recommended by @KKC hopefully this will discourage these types of Guests going forward. A Host can only hope :slight_smile:


The guy reminds me of the guest who requested me and then after an exchange of Airbnb messages, said “oh nevermind, I’m not vaccinated.”

Don’t believe for a minute that these pro covid folks are acting in good faith. It’s entirely possible that the Josiahs of the country are trying to mess with you.


You know, I never thought of that, but considering how negative their behavior seems to be toward those of us that want to protect ourselves and others, maybe they know how this may affect a Host. But, if I had accepted the reservation, they would be screwed as far as my cancellation policy goes. I just got a request from Airbnb to review the Guest that cancelled two days ago–what the heck? Are they also going to be able to review me? So frustrating.

If they cancel their reservation request it should not affect your ‘performance’.

The second sentence of the description of my room is:

“Your host is fully vaccinated and we accept only vaccinated guests 25 and older”. This makes it hard for folks to request a booking if they do not conform to the requirements.

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Yes, this is the sad consequence of the uneducated MAGA contingent and also the part of hosting that is a chore. I feel your pain but these folks deserve some…


They don’t affect Superhost, Acceptance Rate is not a consideration for superhost, it is just a statistic for basic requirements. Response rate does matter for Superhost but only requires a response not an acceptance. But just call it in if you can’t get the guest to withdraw. I would explain to the guest that they should withdraw their request because once you accept it they will lose money on the cancelation policy since they are not qualified to come stay.


But if i don’t meet the “basic requirements,” wouldn’t that affect my Superhost status? I’ve never been in this position. It’s actually ridiculous. I am having the guests withdraw the requests now, but the first few, I just declined them myself.

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Look at the criteria for Superhost. No, it’s not based on all the “basic” requirements. There are only 4 criteria.

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Perhaps add something like “VAX Required” in your listing? That is hard to miss :slight_smile:


I do know that but in the basic requirements, it states that Airbnb can penalize hosts for not meeting basic requirements. I would think if they potentially give me some form of penalty that it would affect my superhost status as well? Should I not be concerned?

I assume you meant check-in.

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I have added it in so many places now :rofl:


Yes–Thank you for noting the “typo” :rofl:

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Unfortunately though it doesn’t really make it hard for them to request a booking…just like Josiah and others…. I wish it did. It does make it easier for you to not accept the reservation though.


No, honestly, only the listed Superhost criteria affect your Superhost status.


Thank you for that information, and I love the suggestion on the reason for the decline :smile:

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Thank god I live in NYS. Most of my guests offer copies of their vax cards or screenshots of the NYS passport app before they even arrive.


You need to make it stronger.

“Vaccination Required!”


Another suggestion, to make sure that guests also have had the booster vaccine. The new variant, highly contagious, and even with the booster, people get infected.

This could be another winter from hell.


Maybe, “must be fully vaccinated, including booster shot”.

For hosts who are noting that they are theymselves vaccinated in their listing. Where are you putting that information? While searching for two different stays last month and looking at least a hundred listing pages, I did not see a single host mentioning anything about their own vaccination status and I would have appreciated it.

It made me realize that I don’t have it in my listing but I want to add it. I am not checking guest status because they are separate entire units and I don’t want to change my title, so do I put my vaccination status in the description or in the house rules or other things to note or about the host? What do you guys suggest?

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