Guests leave bag of ammo and loaded gun in nightstand

I couldn’t get past the gun culture and violence that it represents to find any enjoyment in it. Different priorities I guess.

Violent gun culture hits brick wall as asshole loses his RV for being an asshole in service to that culture. Yep… that’s a nice moment.


I have no difficulty being horrified and gut-wrenched at the destruction wrought by American gun culture while simultaneously being pleased when that same gun culture gets a rude push back.


We have 393+ million guns in the US, that’s about 67 million more guns than we have people.

So I just don’t think that confiscating +/-1000 guns and a few RVs at the Canadian border each year qualifies as “push back”.


It isn’t just thinking they have the right to cross international borders with guns, arrogant has-been politician frat boy Madison Cawthorn got busted twice trying to bring a gun through airport security in his own country.


Not enough push back, but Canada is a country that has a lot more sense about gun control than we do in the US.

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It does if you’re on the Canadian side of the border, which I am.
These idiots try to bring American gun culture north to Canada, and we push it back across the border.


I’m the original poster to this thread and a member who just recently started to participate more. I was excited to find this group of fellow hosts to turn to for advice, an understanding ear, etc. I posted about my dilemma and asked for advice on language for my listing and house rules and to see if anyone else had experienced a similar sort of alarming and undesirable situation and could help me navigate mine. I’m now sorry I even posted because the conversation has gone in a completely different direction from my original hope. : (

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Threads on most online forums wander and go off on tangents, it’s the nature of human communication. Just because we may start a topic doesn’t mean we are responsible in any way for any of the responses or tangents the thread goes off on.

And topics that involve contentious hot button issues like guns, abortion, discrimination, etc, can get tangential to the original intent of the post quite quickly.

I hope you found some of the responses you got to your post helpful.


Yeah, no amount of moderation stops threads from going downhill.

From your original hope perhaps but you knew it probably would given your plea for it not to. It’s generally ineffective to try to tell people how to respond. As a consequence some folks just quit posting. It’s unfortunate but I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did before it went off the rails. We can’t control what people post here but if you are “sorry you posted” the thread can be locked and unlisted.


Yes, that’s understood. That is exactly the premise of the conversation. And Canada is truly very fortunate. I live in the US so I certainly understand the difference (and am honestly quite envious).

Ok. I hear that. So, it makes you feel more secure, safer. That makes more sense to me. I get it.

What I heard in your first statement was that you found some enjoyment in someone else’s plight (or at least who you believe to be is the “someone else” ,) I just really don’t look at things in that way. I don’t fly any flags and it’s a small world.

I was only saying that those guns being confiscated at your border are very concerning symptoms of a very big and distressing issue. And I think what you’re saying is that you see their confiscation as a type of victory, a relief or win of sorts.

Same elephant, different parts. I’m distressed that it is happening (the guns) and you are relieved that it is happening (the confiscation).

I must’ve missed something because there hasn’t even been any disagreement about the issue. It’s only circular vs linear thinking (as it has been from the start of time, lol).


I always try to share practical advice in this forum, but unless you live and host in America (and I don’t), you are left totally at a loss because the premise of your problem is so uniquely American that non-Americans have not developed any instincts that are useful for your uniquely American situation.

I live in a house that’s close enough to wilderness that I’ve had both bears and coyotes in my yard… and they’re certainly out there in the woods a few minutes from us… but in my entire life I have never met a Canadian who carried a firearm on a nature walk because they were “spooked by the silence.” Even if they wanted to, it wouldn’t be legal unless they were in woods designated for hunting during hunting season and were carrying a hunting rifle (not a pistol).

Those of us outside the USA generally do not even have circuits in our brain for processing your situation. We do, however, have well-developed circuits that say “We never want to live somewhere where this is normal.”

Yikes! Surprise unlocked gun in night table!


Unsecured and loaded. This is how 5 year olds end up killing their sibling.


@spark Spent 40 years in the PNW (Wa), hiker/backpacker, quite a few times alone. The fewer people I saw on trails, the happier I was. I and people I hiked with didn’t think about bear spray or guns. None of us owned guns.
Not all Americans are scared of the wilderness and think they have to carry a gun for protection. You just do safe practices when out there.


/[quote=“Spark, post:53, topic:53942”]
Many of the hosts in this forum are not American, and, unless you live in America

I would say that most of the hosts here are American. I’m not, but I live in America. I guess you didn’t read here enough before you joined to get a feel for the place?

It’s a really good idea here to talk about hosting and not be controversial.


Or killing the negligent adult who actually left the gun there.

That is the case with all English language forums, as the population of the US is so much greater than other English-speaking countries. So of course the percentage of US hosts participating will be a lot higher than UK, Aussie, Canadians, etc.

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Oh yeah, that’s an excellent law, a good way to go about it. And it is almost the same, but a softer version of the law they have in Colorado (the location the OP posted about). It is more diligent in CO in that the type of rifle allowed is specific to the specific hunting season.

You’ve only been here for 10 weeks and this was your exactly 9th interaction on the forum.

@jaquo How’s your kettle?


I’ve actually been here for a couple of years but had to forge a fresh ID ten weeks ago when my Facebook login suddenly stopped working and was unable to fix, even with help from moderators. My old ID was Sparky O’Reilly.

I believe the edit function allows members to delete foot-in-mouth gifs


I remember you. I’m glad to know it’s you. I wish you’d mentioned it sooner.

Nah. It’s been a summer of trolls, many who cover with things like “I always post…”. You walked right into it. So, fair mistake. Besides, a little bit of Che brightens the day. I’ll keep it.