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What are your thoughts as a host when couples have sex in your room?
Give me a second while I mull this over, pause, slightly gross out and then somewhat reluctantly accept that we’re all human beings here.
It’s worth noting a few key things here. There is probably not a person in the entire single world that does not like sex, myself included. It’s literally a fact of life. It’s just as useless as prohibiting humans from procreating as it is useless to stop them from drinking. These are the guilty pleasures that will continue with us until we’re wiped out like the dinosaurs. But I still think the unspoken golden rule about having sex in an Airbnb room is that you should treat your host’s house exactly as how you would want a guest to treat your own home.
In general, when I’ve hosted in the past, I generally expect that my guests will do normal human being things like breathing, eating, sleeping and maybe even occasionally copulating. It’s for this specific reason that I am not a fan of hosting couples and charge a fee for extra guests. I do it to discourage the practice and it sets the tone that I’m willing to look the other way for a certain price. However, it’s usually less of an issue when I’m out of town renting my entire place instead of a spare room. In the former case, it’s just all about tossing the sheets in the wash and wiping my hands clean of anything that happened when I return.
The rules are different you don’t have the whole place to yourself. Though I can personally get squeamish about my privacy, I know there are lots of other people out there who view it simply as another place to do whatever they please. I think it’s pretty important to keep in mind you’re staying at someone else’s home—not a hostel or hotel—and adhere to those considerations in mind. Treat them with same consideration that you would a roommate. In other cases, abstaining (we’re all adults and can control our urges, no?) or keeping the noise level down and stripping the sheets later is the least that you can do. That’s assuming you’ve got a private room and not sleeping in some type of—god forbid—shared room.
Though Airbnb is fundamentally a business transaction, in almost all of my experiences, the experience is quite different than staying at a hotel. In exchange for some extra savings, you’re staying at someone’s house and recognizing this is where the host lives, entertains and escapes from their hectic daily life in their spare time. In other words, this is someone else’s home. It’s wildly different from a bunch of twenty-somethings going at it in a hostel dorm. In fact, there’s a variety of reasons on why I prefer established businesses to Airbnb – this is something else I wouldn’t want to be worrying about. These expectations are set before you even walk through the front door.
That said, there do seem to be a fair share of people who seem to really want to use Airbnb as a place to perform tantric sex or bring someone back after a kinky night out. I have no words for you guys.
It’s also not necessarily out of respect to your hosts but also out of respect to other guests that might be staying with your host as well. Plenty of Airbnb hosts have pretty much turned the website into a full-time type of business, legal or no. I’ve certainly slept in places where I was privy to the happenings of the room next to me… three or four times a night. I’m not going to deny anyone’s right to have a good time; but if it’s not my home and I’m paying for it, it is also my right to rest without constant interruption.
If you’re traveling as a couple, you need to evaluate the purposes of your trip. If the goal is to have pure, unadulterated adult fun on your honeymoon, Airbnb probably shouldn’t be on your list of choices anyway unless it involves staying in a château. Chances are, a four- or five- star hotel is probably going to fit your style a bit better. And a first weekend getaway with your new beau is going to be a little bit different than your trip with your significant other after a couple of years together.
I am grossed out. Hence I do not allow couples. I suppose you could be blunt on your listing and just state plainly on your listing that “If you are a couple here – NO SEX ALLOWED!” Haha
I rent a contained apt in my home so I expect guests to use it as they would any hotel room. I do have a lot of trouble keeping my sheets clean which totally grosses me out.
I’m currently trying white sheets and bleaching after every guest but this still often requires a second soaking in bleach if the initial stains get set in the dryer. A recent guest went as far as washing their own sheets because they felt sheepish about me finding them in whatever shape they were in. I still needed to soak in bleach since a reg washing often doesn’t get these type of stains out. It’s the grossest part of hosting.
OMG - we’re down to the basic facts here. I have a contained room/apartment and pretty well figure that people will do as people do. I’m just wondering Chicagohost if you haven’t learnt the fundamental rules of laundering that we women learn growing up and having kids.
White sheets is a good idea - they can be bleached.
Bodily fluids are made up of proteins and as such should ALWAYS be washed in cold water. Spray them with stain remover and then soak them in cold water with a light bleach solution.
Always check them after the wash before putting them in the dryer - You’re right - it does ‘set the stain’
Cotton sheets will bleach better than anything that’s a poly-cotton blend.
Here ends the lesson.
If you don’t want people having sex in your room/house/rental, then I suggest you don’t rent out and are not a host. You can not regulate what a couple does, when they have paid you for the use of a bed. If it makes you that squeamish, consider a different line of use for your house. People have sex, its quite natural, get over it.
I do agree that people shouldn’t treat your home as their own and be considerate as far as noices go. But not to rent to couples? Hmm. Out of more than 30 guests I had only 2 of them were not couples. .
I had many many spring breakers who I really enjoyed having in my house. The energy of happy young beautifull people from all over the world was unbelievable.
I never heard them doing it but I was swiping condoms covers an actually 1 used condom every day. Yes, the used condom was really gross, but then we giggled with my husband about it.
Something as natural as sex can’t be prevented I guess, especially if you are in your 20s.
I guess I don’t really understand why you would be so grossed out over sex that it would be that much on your mind. We host and would not host if normal things seemed to gross us out… also humans do tons are tainted “gross”… would you ask they not poop in your toilet?
You are renting a room…when people go on vacations as couples they tend to do vacation things. Most humans won’t make their sexual presence known. Either way, my boyfriend and I have sex while we have guests, we are quiet.
I want my guests to have sex in my studio! Vacation sex is awesome and will always put them in a good mood. I have a studio attached to my house but it really is a converted garage that has cement walls as barriers, we hear NOTHING!
Actually for me I don’t mind the sheets because I am fully aware of what could have happened if they are young, but for some strange reason I attract a lot older crowd and Asian guests that are clearly not Lesbians but friends that rent my place. I am getting a lot of Asian guests just because of the good reviews the college age kids have left me.
One recent guest said that because a Asian guest recommended me and mentioned in the review that she felt I was motherly that that is why their parents paid for the stay. Go figure!
I don’t know if I have a private room in my own household, but I would expect that most folks would be at least politefully quiet.