Guest who continues to bring in unauthorized help requested

Hi @Zandra

I shop online for bulk items (as I gave up my car when I moved to Bristol) and then supplement with fresh items from local shops every day or so.

I am lucky to have a little local high street four minute walk away with a butchers, bakers making bread and cakes from locally milled flour,

A deli with lovely cheese, meat, biscuits and chocolate

And Sweet Mart a Bristol institution with an amazing selection of exotic fruit, vegetables, spices, flours, rice, pickles, a deli counter and its own range of Indian takeaways

Sounds lovely @helsi!

Thank youā€¦I know I am so happy to have this as a resource and they have just opened an M&S Foodhall in the nearby shopping centre, so I am now in food heaven :slight_smile:

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In the central London M&S i noticed the food/grocery were on the first floor (Like a poor mans Harrods, haha) but to us Americans this is a really cool store layout. Not common here either. The Tesco in Prague by our hotel had similar. Incredible store with great prices!

@faheem, I can only imagine the amount of hand-holding you probably have to do with guests to ensure they have a good time. If I ever rented my place out here (Iā€™m also an Indian resident/OCI) then my guidebook would have to be quite a bit thicker!

On the other hand, our cook makes the most magical food that Iā€™d love to share with guests, and our maid could easily clean every dayā€“those are two things I definitely canā€™t offer guests at our US property

Hi @PHX,

Are you saying you are Indian? And do you live in India? Your message wasnā€™t clear.

No, they donā€™t require much handholding, really. Though I try to warn them against getting robbed in India. But they donā€™t necessarily pay attention.

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@Faheem, I live in India now, but still have ties to the US (Iā€™m American) that bring me back about 3 months out of the year.

Oh. Where in India do you live? And do you rent in India or the US?

I live in the land of amazing idlis and dosas (Iā€™m sure you can guess from there, haha), and the second answer to your question is US. :slight_smile:

That does not narrow it down much, but I suppose somewhere in the South.

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Second hint is Jayalalitha (RIP).

Oh yes, that dreadful woman. Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish. So Tamil Nadu, then. I guess weā€™re playing a version of 20 questions.

ā€¦sorry for being light-hearted?

But yeah, she isnā€™t missed. All of my staff miss her, though, probably because she gave out so many freebies (which likely admitted to a pittance compared to what she amassed illegally). Unfortunately I donā€™t think her replacement is much better!

Iā€™m sure thatā€™s true. Unfortunately,. thatā€™s India. The ā€œdreadfulā€ bit is redundant, really. Theyā€™re all dreadful.

So, whereabouts in the US are you from? I suppose you are minding your rental remotely? Sounds tricky. Unless you have good support locally (in the US).

We should re-name this thread ā€œA Passage to India.ā€ LOL


One of my favorite books. Faheem is rather like one of the main characters, and I mean that in the nicest of ways. :smile:


@Faheem, yeah, I manage my Arizona rental in the US remotely. Real estate development is in my US familyā€™s blood, and thankfully itā€™s one of the easier ā€œjobsā€ to have long-distance. I thankfully have amazing support there and a strong network, so itā€™s all good!

Iā€™m actually more apprehensive about hosting locally here in India than remotely in the States, precisely because even though Iā€™m here, I donā€™t have any clue how to tell an electrician something needs to be fixed or stuff like that (I leave that to my spouse). Plus I donā€™t have the head for the financial feasibility here since I donā€™t know things like market rates, costā€¦ it all feels foreign to me, no pun intended. :wink: Plus, I prefer AirBnbā€™ing out space where I donā€™t live, and rental prices are kinda crazy (to say nothing of buying a place).

If I recall correctly, youā€™re in Mumbai? Iā€™ve been fortunate to visit many places in beautiful India, but surprisingly havenā€™t made my way there yet!

Sorry for making this such an India-centric thread, @KKC! I canā€™t help itā€“Iā€™m always happy to chat up a fellow Indian resident. :slight_smile:

Hi @PHX,

Yes, Iā€™m in Bombay. My listing is linked in my profile.

I can certainly understand if you are hesitant to rent in India, especially if you are not familiar with the place. India is a crazy place, and stuff is certainly different from the US - thereā€™s a lot less you can take for granted. Though you didnā€™t say that you didnā€™t have a space available, so it might be worth considering, depending on the market, of course.

I think Faheemā€™s place would be a great stay! His house is classic India. Have you added that patio table and umbrella on the terrace yet? :smiley:

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Who, me? No, not yet.