Guest wants a partial refund for smoke detector dead battery alarm - WWYD?

Also, believe it or not, this forum does have guidelines for posting behavior. Every member here should read them. When you do, you get a little badge. :smile:

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I saw. Thank you :blush:

No I think you’re perfectly capable of that without my help.


WHAT! That is quite the claim! And I can assure you no one who posts regularly here did such a wacky thing. Especially not Yana!

I can’t imagine anyone here would be interested in hacking a FB page. And I’m thinking that most of us wouldn’t have any idea in the galaxy how to even begin! If I was that smart, then I sure wouldn’t be renting out my home to strangers, 4 of whom arrive later today. Its a pain in the butt…but I need the funds.


I am totally illiterate when it comes to these things, i can tell you that. I dont know who would go to so much trouble doing it, not that i dont believe you

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Half? That many? :smile: Not sure what you mean.

How do you even come up with all of this? Half? Half is quite a bit. Lol, i feel like Alice in Wonderland

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I ca imagine that you were deleted because of some issues, but who would do such a thing and bothered themselves with your FB accounts and other things. Some people just stop posting, it does not mean they are delted. When i go away i stop posting too, and sometimes noone hears from me for a week.

The two things (removal of your multiple accounts and your two personal hacks) are coincidence. FB pages get hacked all the time. Your email might have had the same password so the guy was able to hack it too. You are ascribing magical powers to the forum and its mods that they don’t have. :smile:

Nahhh. Think how far fetched that is. Even if account info did get out, did you enter your email and Facebook passwords on this site? See what I mean?

Just a coincidence. “Believe me.” The mods aren’t that diabolical. :smiley: you are being paranoid, RD.

Honestly, it sounds like an episode of “Stranger Things.” :smiley: you’ve been watching too much TV. :smiley: There’s just no way, any forum membership list has the passwords to your email, and Facebook accounts, and even if it DID, who the heck would want to bother hacking you! Honestly, this is completely paranoid and you have to stop going there. NO mod from this forum has your passwords, and furthermore no mod here would bother or care about hacking you. I can speak for all the mods. They are good people. Really, honestly and truly.

Yes! The unit below me was in foreclosure for the first three years I lived here. The last six months it chirped continually. Luckily I couldn’t hear it from inside my unit, only when passing it outside.

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Articles about internet safety generally agree it isn’t wise to use the same password on multiple sites.

Try it on my ceilings there are 30ft :slight_smile: