Guest says I should offer toothpaste

Reusable is good. And while you said you think only a couple of guests used them, did they take it with them, leave it out for you to wash and reuse, or throw them in the garbage?

Left it out for me to wash. It’s obvious (I think) that they are not the disposable sort.

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Check these out. Fairly obvious they aren’t meant to be trashed after one use….


Yes, it would be obvious to me that they aren’t throw-aways. However, I’ve learned not to assume that what’s obvious to me is obvious to everyone. :wink:


ok, your hair still gets a little bit wet in a shower or bath, even if clipped up. and if you have hair like mine - frizzy - i can see why you’d want to protect the styling.

given you’re in the upholstery biz I’m going to say yours are nice, and also, it’s Mexico, where colourful things are expected.

I recently had a guest ask me how do you “turn on” the fire. it’s obviously a wood burning fireplace, the clue is with the pile of wood I have in a tub, and the stack of firewood outside…:sweat_smile: and of course it’s written in the listing but we all know that how that goes.

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Yes, well, they aren’t fluorescent orange or hospital green, which I would never pick, they’re burnt orange and sage green.

While Mexico is indeed colorful, some of the paint colors here are truly awful. There is a color of paint the Mexicans seem to just love, as I see it everywhere. While there are so many different shades of green in the natural world, how they managed to come up with such an unattractive green that doesn’t exist anywhere in nature is beyond me.

Being in the upholstery biz means I make stuff for lots of rentals here and while some are all painted up with too many colors and tons of tchochkes, there are others that look just like the cookie cutter “modern”, souless condos you see everywhere- everything white, beige, black and grey with nothing at all to set them apart from hundreds of others just like them.

My favorite place I’ve done work for is owned by a guy and his wife who told me he was embarrassed to admit it, but he had been a car salesman, and had been really good at selling cars. They managed a Mercedes dealership, and had renoed and redecorated the dealership. The head honchos were so impressed with what they had done that they were asked to redesign and decorate Mercedes dealerships all over the US, so he and his wife ended up doing that instead of selling cars.

They bought a place here that had belonged to some old surfers who considered tables and other furniture made of old surfboards to be really cool- the place was super tacky. These new owners transformed the place, adding on to it, and used traditional Mexican tiles (the really expensive ones) and other local building materials, but in a unique way. It has tons of character and doesn’t look like anyplace else.

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True. I had a set of melamine chopsticks in the AirBnB. They were reusable and dishwasher safe. They disappeared so were either tossed or taken.

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