Getting approved for short terms in Miami

I own a multifamily in Miami Beach that is in a zone that is not permitted for short term rentals. Can I apply to become a legal short term rental?

Or is this application only for properties that are already in allowed zones? And if not, is there any way to get a property approved for short term rentals, or am I out of luck? I own the whole building, so there is no HOA, but I only want to do it legally.

Surely the best people to ask is your local council that you have linked to in your post?

Having said that if you say STRs aren’t permitted in your area, it is likely to be a fruitless exercise.

You probably want to look at LTRs instead.


hmmm, let me get this straight. Your building is “in a zone not permitted for short term rentals” but you want to know whether you can apply to become a legal short term rental. Uhh, sure, go ahead. Let us know how it works out for ya’.

Also, you ask, “is there any way to get a property approved for short term rentals, or am I out of luck?” (Do you want the short answer or the long one?)

You conclude with “I only want to do it legally.” Gotta’ love a man of principles!

You know I’m joshing with you but surely you know you’ve stumbled upon a forum comprising of AirBnb hosts – this is not the American Bar Assn., although some of us (ahem, me) may volunteer to act as an armchair attorney at the first whiff of a retainer. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


People get exceptions within areas that are not zoned for short term rentals on their own properties. Was looking to see if anyone here has done it.

There needs to be path, or a method, in your code to allow you to apply for an exception. Otherwise you have to first get the town to change the code.
There are usually rules on applying for a variance, or an exception, or filing a zoning appeal. You could see an attorney knowledgeable with your local code interpret your options. I am not familiar though with people getting exceptions within areas not zoned for STR, unless that option is created in the code, or a landowner prevails in court.

Thanks. I know it’s probably a long shot, but I do know of people who are allowed to AirBnB in zones in which it’s not permitted in my area. I’m using my property for LTRs now, but some of the units are coming up for renewal, so I wanted to investigate the possibility of using it for STRs, as it would be a goldmine.

Have you asked the people who got a variance how they did it?

here are your ordinances @coolerkid
and also